
1st Gear: Well, when you look like a storm trooper you are bound to miss something. In this case they are missing the range to replace diesel.

Its very possible that they found a way to make it look like one car went to its destination instead of many. Either way this is a rather long string of cars to just accidentally overlook.


None given.

That is very apparent.

Well that sucks, thanks for trying.

Again there is no issue showing up to a drag race in something like a S2000. If you are having fun why does it matter if you are going down the strip on a Wednesday night and hitting the autocross track or a canyon on Saturday?

Ehh, going to the drag strip is just fine. That is like telling some guy in a old beat up but mechanically sound corolla he can’t go to autocross because its only meant to commute.

I remember us laughing about that as well but you are right, it had to suck so bad.

We were underway a lot being the navy’s prize ship for a bit(short lived, newer shinier ships launched every year) and although we bitched about it(along the lines of if a sailor ain’t bitching he ain’t happy) we didn’t really hold a candle to those forward deployed guys.

When they went on the secured liberty policy last year sailors living off base with families could only go too and from the base or to get groceries. Some commands went as far as to secure that and make sailors request permission to head home every day.

Meh, got anything else to add to the actual discussion?

This sounds like fun, just go park the worst cars you can find there. Make sure one was rolled and the other smells heavily of weed. All the old people they are advertising to would not be happy.

So what is the legality of parking a non Lexus there? Is the airport private or public because that likely changes enforcement.

There is a very likely reason this keeps happening over there. Op Tempo and moral. These guys are underway a LOT over there and are worn out. The other side is the moral of 7th fleet, with the constant lock downs and a ban on alcohol. Then you add in married men having to ask permission daily to go home to their

It is Jalopnik, shit gets missed either accidentally or intentionally.

Neutral: Am I a millennial(yes and no) living the boomer lifestyle? That answer is yes and no. I am the right age to be a millennial but being a veteran my temperament falls more into that new sub generation between Gen X and millennial. I am married with a new car and I just bought a house not in the suburbs but in

Sorry don’t take that as an attack, it isn’t meant to be such if you did. Anyhow looking it up apparently this is a issue with the leather seats more so then the cloth ones, the former being what most people end up with. This makes me wonder if the seats were pulled from something destined for Korea and shoved into

Uhh have you seen a service manual? Why bother mapping out to 200 thousand miles if they design it to fail at 60K?

Seeing how I have seen a few Model S & X with the new Model 3 front milling around Palo Alto you might want to get on ordering one before they switch to that nasty Model 3 front end on everything.