
There are not 67 people living in that cul de sac so the ones not in the immediate area can fuck off. Had he only gotten signatures of those who can see it from their house there would likely be maybe 20 signatures if he got them from parents and children.

And that is why we tell you to deal with it or move. You have the issue, you bought in a place where it is perfectly legal, it is your job to move if you don’t like it.

“Honey just wait patiently, there is likely some important reason they are waiting”

Oh you mean like their girl texting them or pokemon?

Why would I want to know about a 10 year old sports car being sold as new? The evo will be missed, but this comes off as an overly desperate to detach those overly sentimental from their money for very little benefit over what they could have gotten last year.

I witness drivers sitting at green lights for way longer then is normal every day. Its getting to the point where I have watched more then a handful of drivers sit through green lights because they are so spaced out or so busy with their phones.

That title is a bit misleading. It might kill diesel in the consumer market but I doubt it will do much to the commercial diesel market. Electric is more of a threat there.

If you end up at meets you see the older guys a lot more. I never see them out driving though. I am 29 and I always feel decently young in this crowd, there are a few really young guys though. With the Focus ST they make a lot more of them and they are bigger so they tend to attract people with families, or wanting to

Here is a interesting tidbit, so far in 2016 almost as many GTIs have been sold this year as there have been FiST’s for all 3 years if the estimations are correct.

They simply don’t make enough of them anyways to be the camry role car.

Probably, I never debated that, in fact I agreed with the GTI having a older more diverse crowd, they are also a dime a dozen when the FiST gets about 5000 cars a year max. At my office of 150 people there are 3 GTIs in the parking lot, and parked on the street there are another 3 for the other offices. It also

Just because you don’t see them driven by old people or women doesn’t mean they don’t exist. The age demographics of Fiesta ST owners is on the older side and hanging out in the forums or FB groups you find a decent amount of women ST drivers. Though I will agree with you that the GTI is still more camryish, hell a

Whats the dealerships name and what city?

Find a different dealership. Some dealerships are dicks and will fight you and corporate tooth and nail as their bottom line is what is important to them. If it is really that big of a concern drive a few hours to find a dealership that will help you or go above their heads straight to Honda. In the military you are

Yet these assholes will still try to tow the stock trucks full rating, if not above that rating.

Like a donor car for a GT86(FRS), oh wait that has already been done. Granted it was a F 136 F, but still that is way cooler.

It doesn’t seem that it was even that, its likely the right side tire was spinning because you can see the tire marks after he pulls away. Plus all the smoke comes from the right side.

Signaling, what signaling?

It has the parts split up into condenser and compressor in that outside part you see above, then it has tubes that bring the cool refrigerant into the space to be cooled where the evaporator has a fan blowing over it to spread the cool air into the room. No ducts needed because the air is being cooled in the room its

Nope, but you very much implied it even if you did not mean to.

My “worst” experience was in my Fiesta ST at a work party. The valet got in, looked for the automatic shifter for a moment, got back out and said “Uhh yeah I don’t know what this is and I can’t drive it.” His coworker happened to be coming back from lunch at that time and took care of it. It was still funny that out