There is tipping to ensure good service, but tipping to ensure your car is not destroyed by people who are paid to safely park it without destroying it is not the same thing.
There is tipping to ensure good service, but tipping to ensure your car is not destroyed by people who are paid to safely park it without destroying it is not the same thing.
Who cares that it uses a ductless AC unit? This is common practice in large mobile platforms when you have a lot of interior space to cool. Why reinvent the wheel when someone already mass produces exactly what you need? It is not uncommon to see these on ships even, does that make that ship a scam?
And a LOT of large vehicles including ships use ACs like this. You hit this nail on the head, there is nothing wrong with using an AC like this, and its likely an industrial ductless unit, not something you would find in a home.
The rules state, or at least used to state, that any track over 1mi needed the liner. Watkins Glen is around 2.5mi for this race so it should be in use here.
Then it would be the wife or the son or some other person crashing the car when they barrow it.
Supposedly the first time he tried it hurt a lot and there was blood everywhere, but his finger at least was where it should be.
Meh, played out and another ruined air cooled Porsche
They seem to think that no one wanted the car... Either way Nissan is just there to pump money back to mother France to keep Renault going. Bleed them dry with quantity over quality.
Fuck Ghosen, he may have saved the company, but he will be its downfall in the end.
That is little consolation, its a fucking juke... There also was not a massive reaction with hundreds of thousands of people wanting that car to be made like the IDx had. And yet they made that and shitcanned the IDx because they think no one wants the car. Then they go and shove it in our faces with the new F&F movie.
And some little feature is going to kill the whole car and make it boring and only useful to people who buy Leafs.
This won’t ever get built, so don’t worry about it.
*Looks at IDx in driveway. “I remember fondly when that car was just a prototype/concept” Oh wait it never left that stage, and this won’t either. Nissan is not interested in giving anyone a interesting car. You have the dated GTR, the dated 370z, and a whole lotta boring to round out their lineup.
RIP the days of good…
There are plenty of instructions online on how to modify one of those cheap adapters to be able to do this. Focccus can use one with some mods, and the ones that do write with no mods are not much more expensive.
The only thing that cage did for them was hold the gopro through he crash.
It may be cheaper, but it isn’t free. That is something all electric car owners need to be aware of, you don’t just buy the car then never have to spend a dime to get somewhere. That dime goes a lot farther but you will certainly spend a lot of them to get places over the life of the car.
Electricity is not free. They either pay for it via their power bill, at a charging station at a shop, or via the initial payment for supercharging. The only guys getting it for free would be those with supercharging included in the vehicle purchase, and they only charge at superchargers, even then the cost is likely…
Now that Matt Farah and about half a dozen other car journalists and such are on the case the car will probably show up in short order. It may not be in one piece but it will be located.
Yes they are available now, though if you order a car the manufacturer should not just lose it. He got it ordered to his liking, you don’t know if there are any like it around without markup, he might be in a RS dead zone.
He ordered it before they were even being produced. It wasn’t like he could go out and pick one up that day.