
FCA is not their primary shareholder, FCA does not own any shares of Ferrari. The shareholders of FCA hold the majority of the shares of RACE, a small amount is held by the Ferrari family, a other small chunk publicly traded, and a company that holds shares of FCA also holds shares of Ferrari. They may pull the

Some guy on Zilvia just dealt with this product. It came out like utter shit and the company really screwed the car up removing it. It also stained his OEM paint somehow.

Just because their stock holders own 80% does not mean that FCA owns the company. It is a independent company. Their connection is they share a CEO, and they are both owned partly (29% FCA, 22% Ferrari)by the same investment firm yet they are independent companies. FCA does not own Ferrari. They are legally separate

Owned, not owns. Ferrari is now its own company, look up RACE on the stock market.

That sounds like user error.

That can’t be blamed on autopilot then, if it is to late for even the driver to react how is that the fault of the autopilot? The driver should be ready at all times to take over in case this advanced cruise control(auto pilot is a shit name Tesla) can’t handle the situation.

Doesn’t the car get mad if you ignore it for more then 90 seconds then it turns off and alerts you? Maybe the alert startled them and caused them to crash. Though at that point it is still on the driver for not doing their job behind the wheel.

These people claiming the cars are on autopilot need to realize there is such a thing as LOGS.

Yes, add a trailer hitch, make it just that much more unsafe.

I pass drivers all the time on descents, they tend to lose their shit when I pass their expensive sports car at the speed limit which they can’t go safely. Then their ego kicks in and they feel they must keep up and pass again in the most dangerous ways possible.

Finger prints, the key you leave on everything.

What has been done to the engine of that car? It looks pretty stock under all the charring.

That is the Ohashi bridge in Japan.

VW will just recycle them all to some other country along with the ECUs in other shipping containers on the same boat.

Out of all the Panameras I see around the bay area I guess I have never seen one going fast enough to even deploy the spoiler.

They exist even though you have never witnessed it, and the circuitry to implement them in all cars is not that hard.

479, that’s a little low don’t you think?

BMW has been doing it for years, at least since 1988. Most of the other luxury brands do as well. It has started to trickle down and they are popping up on various Japanese cars and some american ones. Just because you have not seen it does not mean it doesn’t exist.

I find it funny because they are quick to enforce much less dangerous things. Then again the fine might be smaller for the no lights with wipers on ticket.

That’s why like most modern cars you get a warning that they are not working. Also when they are not on because they burned out and ignored the warning they hopefully get pulled over. Either way I would still take always on lights over them not turning them on.