
Anyone here take part in National Night Out or Night Out for Safety and Liberation? My community sponsors a huge number of NNO events. Unfortunately, there will be only one NOSL event in the community. How would you make an NNO event more thoughtful in the context of a small, neighborhood block party?

You betcha! And Donald Trump and Peter Thiel have even made this handy visual to help us understand for whom they support “open” libel laws:

Indeed. The picture wasn’t appropriate for either story. That’s what @KECS13 was getting at in the first tweet. So it was inappropriate for either story AND may have been either an incompetent mistake OR libelous trash when they attached it to the bank story. Not a good look, Sinclair.

I think there’s a lot of variation by state, but in some states libel can be found through negligence, not only through intent. And some states automatically classify certain categories of false statements as libelous, including falsely stating someone committed a serious crime. No idea what the laws are in Boise, ID

Is this true?

My condolences for your loss, baseguitarhero. Your mom sounds like the best. You offer excellent advice about cherishing each moment.

Which props? These ones? Better than the originals.

Always bragging about your threesomes, kingwolf

LOL, yeah, I think you might be giving him undue credit. (Just like the Russian bankers, ha!) I bet he thought his moves were charming and irresistible... to Emmanuel Macron.

That’s an interesting take. How would that work - where’s the diss or upper hand?

This had nothing to do with Brigitte Macron; it was Trump’s idea of how to compliment Emmanuel Macron’s alpha status. Because Trump is that much of a troglodyte.

“What is this person?”

I thought I’d see if I could find you a duck with laurel leaves, and I did! The internet is a wonderful and weird thing.

No worries. An impulse toward compassion and a desire for hope are good things.

Thanks. I did use gofccyourself. Did the rest too. I’ll try on another system.

Re: Net Neutrality Day of Action - Have you been able to submit a comment? Both today and back in May, the name field goes blank every time I fill another field - and so the form always appears incomplete and cannot be submitted. Is this happening for others? I wrote to the FCC help desk about it in May, but they

I was editing my response as you replied to me. It was clear that you weren’t defending him. I always appreciate how even tempered your posts are.

IDK... There’s a world of difference between being “scared” from propaganda vs being scared because a jackass is trailing you and spouting vitriol. One is bullshit and the other is legit scary. It doesn’t seem like he gets that. Also, he wasn’t acting like a scared person. So when he says his behavior arose from fear,

Someone’s gotta Photoshop in the FSM over Trump’s head.