
I agree the prison system is severely flawed. I agree with rehabilitation. Most people can and should be rehabilitated. Some cannot. Lack of remorse seems a clear indicator one cannot. He damned himself to prison for life.

Are you arguing society’s methods of “rehabilitation”, or whether she’s guilty of murder?

The police have released extensive transcripts of their communications. This is called primary evidence, and it points to the crime laid out in the charges filed. This is not “incomplete” and the most that learning more would do is make her look worse not better.

This is real life, not Law and Order. There’s not a

I’ve been following this case since it hit, and there’s plenty of primary evidence that the deceased wasn’t particularly committed to going through with it, that she pushed him toward doing it, then he went through with it, then she tried to cover up that she’d pushed him to do it.

That very simply means she was aware

And we can wade in the complexities of the human thought process for as long as we like. At a certain point we have to decide what constitutes a calculated murder with consideration to mental acuity.

Yes, he’s been a piece of shit since the 80s. He’s certainly gotten worse, but he’s been a terrible person for a very long time.

Not it doesn’t excuse it. It may *explain* it but it doesn’t excuse it. People need to be responsible for their actions/intentions regardless. Most child molesters were once victims this *explains* the behavior it most certainly does not excuse it. Sorry she knew it was wrong she was aware it would have repercussions

“Actually, her mental health could completely excuse what she did.”

Thanks, actually had to study this for my teacher certificate. Let me repeat if case you did not see what I wrote:

Yeah that is what people are parsing on here. But under the law there is no distinction - the ability to discern what is considered right and wrong is all that matters. Lawyers can’t argue “Yeah she knew it was wrong, she just didn’t FEEL it was wrong” for a reason.

She actually demonstrated knowledge that what she did was socially unacceptable and something for which she could get into trouble. She never acknowledged (that I saw) that her actions were morally wrong.

Dude, come on. We can never know anything, there are plenty of innocent people in prison and plenty of guilty people walk out off courtrooms free.

Remember.....the term isn’t “fucking asshole” anymore. It’s “flawed human being” now. ;)

You seemed, to me, to make a statement to the effect that because she is at all mentally ill she should not be found legally responsible for the consequences of her actions. I may or may not have misread your post, but my response was polite - I said her texts indicate she can tell right from wrong, which is what

Actually, her mental health could completely excuse what she did. We don’t know yet: we’ll have to wait for more information. Should she be found to have mental problems, then she would need therapy and institutionalization, none of which makes her “a fucking asshole” and all of which would make her a flawed human

Thank you, I’m with you on this. It’s sort of like excuses that when drones mistakenly bomb hospitals, wedding parties or schools that it was an “accident”.

And a group of cats is called a clowder.

Actually, her mental health could completely excuse what she did.

As others have said, the specifics of the mental problems would determine whether they constitute a legal excuse.

In terms of public opinion, I don’t fully understand the distinction that’s drawn between mental issues that can be diagnosed and those that can’t. Everyone does the things they do because of causes

Living in Massachusetts, I have been following the case since her arrest and what she did was seriously messed up.