
Fcking idiots also take seriously 4 month old topics.

lol! Download Dora The Explorer and Leapfrog songs for them :) Anything that'll teach them art and science at the same time.

thanks :)!

That's because my feelings about that scene just occurred a few days ago. So to now find an outlet for those feelings so soon after the fact has become extremely satisfying for me. For as a parent, when i read about that young adult dying in such a horrible way, i'd balled up my concerns about what could happen to

Get them while they're ripe has always played into reasons why so many child stars become addicts later on.

Here we go with the typical circular hyperbole "who is the only person freaking out here?" filled argument about whats funny and whats not funny, where now someone has to be freaking out over the fact that they have a problem with a dangerous scene they did not find funny.

Yeah, and you're the type person who gets your panties into a bunch because someone doesn't laugh at being hit in the head with a device that can scalp them to death.

Okay, thanks for telling me that, but nevertheless that scene shouldn't have ever been done since its obvious a dangerous thing to do where irresponsible people could stupidly mimic it in order to scare someone but instead horrible disfigure or kill them.

I've been watching this show for about 8 months now but after watching an episode where Jay/O'Neil asked his son n law, Phil/Ty Burell, to go out further on a field and hold a holla-hoop over his head so Jay's huge remote airplane could fly through it, only to run the plane into Phil's head busting his face, where it

And how many people have you've met that have said to you "whats normal??" after calling yourself that??

I'm an evolutionist, so when i watched that commercial, i said to myself, based on our disgusting need to poop in our own bed, going back to the sea sounds more like what Christ Stains call hell.

So says the person who had no clue about how the flu virus has evolved over the years, where its your own lifestyle that's contributing to death of those that are more vulnerable to that virus.

As you said you wouldn't want those nurses making other people sick by their choices to reframe from the flu shots??Well the same applies to those of YOU that continue to cause humans to catch the flu, and our planet and her inhabitants to be seriously affected by green house gasses due to your choice to eat factory

And if you didn't eat them, it wouldn't come from farming them either, right?

Where do you think the swine flu and bird flu comes from??

My reactions to that shot put me in ICU on life support 5 times. And I'm sure nurses prefer to stay alive just like anyone else, so to assume they don't is being naive.

lol!! ummmmmm?? Hey Einstein, why don't you tell the world what makes someone a vegetarian to prove me wrong?

Did educated NURSES stop getting the flu shot because of me????????? I think you need to stop now.

Oh, here we go, the angry man now needs to pull the Troll Card because someone doesn't fall into the same sheople line up. And also because I do not become belligerent in the manner he does, where he had to go back to edit his troll poop out of one of his hostile replies.

I think you should throw your SSRIs in the trash.