
As a blog whose primary expression is through text, you do guys feel threatened at all by the growth of all the video game content (journalism, news , and LPs) on YouTube? At the end of the day how different are your audiences and purpose? My current assumption is that Kotaku and other game related websites primarily

Any advice for the kids who want to do what you guys are doing? How do you get your start and what kind of classes should you take if you're in college?

Yeah I have to go with the popular opinion and say I could not disagree more. I'll watch the next season but I don't know how well it will be after the disappointing and rushed season 1. Either way, LoK doesn't come close to the original series. Personally, I have to agree with Kirk Hamilton about everything that went

So, what do I do if I want to work with video games but not make video games. Like Kotaku-esque blogging or video game journalism or possibly marketing or working with YouTube content creators? Write and Play as much as I can?

The overall graphic violence was one of the biggest reasons I almost didn't buy the game. However, I convinced myself that since I hadn't played enough first person shooters in the past, I just wasn't 'used to it' and needed to get desensitized. I really wish it had the similar 'turn off blood' setting Assassin's