
Running away from politics and ‘hard discussions’ doesn’t make the topic go away.

This would be a lot more convincing if he didn’t have an iron fucking cross on his collar come on man

Some people are fans of the Los Angeles Chargers.”

Exactly. “Thank you for keeping this game off my backlog” is my response. Oh, and “Thank you for clueing me in to who 3D Realms are so I can be sure to avoid anything they touch moving forward.” 

The problem is the “power dynamics” I guess here. The development studio/Respawn sets these prices. The community doesn’t really have any power here besides criticism (which can all to often fall on deaf ears).

Not missing as much as your ability to read.

I seriously believe people who do not care about an issue yet try to dismiss or minimize valid concerns related to it should stop doing that and go away. Maybe take up knitting as a hobby instead.

Happens to the best of us. Your laying it out—absolutely everything possible—in the conference room for the last doughnut and boom there’s the conference room table that you completely forgot. Once your hung up on it, there’s no way to recover. It’s a mid morning nap or nothing

Oh, please. Sorry your 90-minute commercial got spoiled.

I can not belive that gamers reaction to this is “leakers are ruining out very expensive prepakaged event where marketing overhypes us for products.

Having boundaries doesn’t mean there’s a thought police out to get you.

This team really is committed to illegally getting stuff released from their balls.

... Take your fucking star.

in other words, this is the royal wii?

His defense of what he did was “Sorry about the people I hurt, but this guy said unkind things to my friend, so I had no choice but to throw a dolley at a bus full of people”. His actions ended up putting him in a cell overnight, he’s in the process of being criminally charged, and will be sued by all of the fighters

I’m the same with ‘fake news’. it isn’t fake news, it’s bullshit. stop speaking like trump.

Police have told Caviness that she needs to stop streaming on Twitch.

Go fuck yourself to death.

Headline should read, “Local Branch of Global Pedophile Ring Expels Member for Loving Marital Relationship With Adult.”