Have you ever met a woman with extra closet space for that? AM I RIGHT GUYS? ::chirp chirp::
Have you ever met a woman with extra closet space for that? AM I RIGHT GUYS? ::chirp chirp::
The go kits are great in concept, but you also have to set up maintenance schedule. Replace bottles of water, update documents, update live USB/CD, etc. Heck, its a job on its own to keep it all up to date.
Thanks for the tip. I'm looking for a grocery list app my wife and I can easily use.
I wish Amazon and my banks would use Google Authenticator. Or any form of 2 factor authentication
TVshow Time is by far my favorite TV schedule app. It also lets you mark what you've watched and whats coming up. And free! http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tvshow-time-best-personal/id431065232?mt=8
Maybe I stand alone, but I thought this episode was odder and weirder than usual. Not in a good way. Just very obscure. Like someone wrote it with a gun to their head. A few small jokes were good, but overall, meh.
This was going around the internets a while back. Has anyone discovered advice animals yet?
While it only cost $100, its worth so much more to me!
When I first applied one to my HPT, it looked HORRIBLE. I was going to pull it off. The instructions said to give some time, which I did. It looks perfect now. Wouldn't even know it was there.
I love Google Authenticator. I also use it on LastPass. Peace of mind is nice.
Travel Insurance. Honestly, it saved our asses.
Thank you.
My Father in Law died on a cruise ship in international waters while we were all aboard. It was a nightmare.
If XBMC is added to the store, I may just get one of these. Goodbye WD Live
Started with the thumb on my left hand. Born in Europe. Lived 99.9% of my life in the USA. Interesting.
Isnt there a concern about ID fraud? While humans are prone to mistakes and corruption, it feels too easy to fake one of these things out.
Make sure you set it up as an exchange server, not a gmail acccount. Then sync cal, contacts, mail and search to your hearts content
I agree. Its been my feeling since I got the thing. No value to a gmail app. Mail does what I need with no issues.
You realize they're the same company?
I think those types of situations are actually advantages. You're being up front about your limits, etc. But just saying "how much overtime can I expect?" or "What time can I expect to be done every day?" will not bode well.