With my last breath, I curse Zoidberg!

Travel Insurance. Honestly, it saved our asses.

Thank you.

My Father in Law died on a cruise ship in international waters while we were all aboard. It was a nightmare.

If XBMC is added to the store, I may just get one of these. Goodbye WD Live

Started with the thumb on my left hand. Born in Europe. Lived 99.9% of my life in the USA. Interesting.

Isnt there a concern about ID fraud? While humans are prone to mistakes and corruption, it feels too easy to fake one of these things out.

Make sure you set it up as an exchange server, not a gmail acccount. Then sync cal, contacts, mail and search to your hearts content

I agree. Its been my feeling since I got the thing. No value to a gmail app. Mail does what I need with no issues.

You realize they're the same company?

I think those types of situations are actually advantages. You're being up front about your limits, etc. But just saying "how much overtime can I expect?" or "What time can I expect to be done every day?" will not bode well.

Like most things, its circumstantial. And yes, a candidate has a right to know. But depending on how you phrase your question or who brings it up, it can end badly.

Too often now, companies dont call back. After i was outsourced, I had a string of companies, even those who expressed interest, just not call anymore. I had 2 that basically had an offer for me, but just forgot, etc. Id love to know why I didn't get the job. But basically, their motto is, if we're not hiring you,

While companies like to pretend they encourage a work/home life balance, any mention or questions of hours, overtime, etc, before an offer is made are certainly not going to look in your favor. #learnedthehardway

I'm clearly a horrible geek. I've seen one of these. BSG

Maybe I'm alone on this..but I kind of get Carl. He is a kid. I remember being a kid and the idea of mortality didn't really register as it should. Heck, we all did dumb things. While I understand the circumstances are extreme, kids do get antsy. Heck adults do... So while Carl is kind of an ass, its partially

Running it at home. Cant/don't want to run cat 5, but wifi can get bogged down. For media access, EOP works fantastic..

Thanks. It was the first episode my wife ever watched. (Crazy, right?!) Her favorite line to this day is "Oh, I don't have time for this. I have to buy a single piece of fruit with a coupon and then return it. Making people wait behind me while I complain."

I don't let FB publish my birthday for this reason. While no one knows it, I make sure I have peoples contact info up to date, birthdays included. This way, I always have a record.

TB drives have become cheap. If they cant afford servers, maybe just head to Amazon and order about 80 2 TB drives. Have agents hook them up to their work computers.

I still cant accept Matt Smith over David Tenant. I'm warming up to him...