With my last breath, I curse Zoidberg!

Honestly, if you like this show, you SHOULD read the comic. Its edge of your seat storytelling. And the show has diverged from the comic for the most part, so you get 2 different tales.

From a survival point of view, why would you leave the farm? Protection, food, medical care... If it was up to me, I'd be like Rick and basically beg to stay. And put shane out of his misery if needed. What Shane fails to see is if that he tries to form a coup, he could kill Hershel. There's your source of medical

It feels a bit too little too late. I installed the jailbreak fix for this, but realized, its meaningless. Unless everyone has this on by default, my contact info isn't safe. And even then, for approval, many users just click yes. So either I hide myself from non-tech savy folks, or accept that fact that my cell phone

Walt Mossberg has been the Apple reporter there. If you want positive Apple stories, turn to Walt.

Is this the type of system for which you have to give up a micro-chipped key to be lodged near the ignitition? (which also defeats the point of the chip, mind you)

It was a rushed effort to portray her feelings from the comic. How he's always off to help someone else. I just think it was too early, and poorly done.

I feel in the minority for enjoying this episode. I admit, some scenes were a bit slower than others, but I think they were well depicted. Even in a zombie-pocolypse, there will be a few slow moments. Hershel's daughter was a bit much and unneeded. And Lori...well, I've been trying to support her. Shes been an

Why did the guard not react?

Like many, I got fired up and installed this. I doesn't make a damn bit of difference. While we may do this, people like my mom wont. And unless its a standard feature of smart phones to block this, it wont matter. Anyone who adds me to their address book has already given my data over

I've been using Waze as well. My only issue is you can only really safely interact while you have a passenger. It works great as a navi, but putting in hazards is dangerous while driving.

One JB app I would love to see is a Lock screen number randomizer. Just change the order of the lock screen every time it is displayed, so that people can't use finger smudges to see your pin.

I've had no issues, but honestly, only used 1 app. The app to add a fifth item to my quick launch bar. The rest...meh. Don't need them much. Maybe my needs will change later.

You have to look for whats right for your life. Think about taxes, insurance, maintenance, etc. Will the home work for you in 5 years? Do you plan to change jobs, or move at all? Some things you cant predict.

One thing that saved my ass was having the neighborhood scoped out at different times. We saw a great place, but it was in the evening. The house was a perfect price, perfectly set up, etc. But I couldn't figure out why it was on the market for so long. A nicely placed lunchtime visit answered my question. I wouldn't

For me...Yes. Absolutely. I have a townhome, and with the help of the exterior maintenance, life was much easier. its one thing I will miss when I buy a single family home. Granted, it depends what your fees are. Mine went from 120 up to 175 in 5 years, but its still worth it.

Cant they just end House already? I watch it at the behest of my wife, but its gone from interesting to edgy, to stupid, and now it seems to be stuck on ludicrous speed.

We need to redefine Geek, Nerd and Dork. I'm pretty sure all the Japanese manga/weird stuff falls under dorky.

I think I'm looking geek cred. Or maybe I lack dork/nerd cred. I have no idea who most of those are. I recognize Iron Man, Angry Bird, and Joker/HarleyQuinn.

Not if you disable imessage on it, sign out, etc

So long as you haven't lost possession of your phone, you should be safe. And before you turn it in for service, disable iMessage. not a great solution, but a preventative measure. I realize it doesn't help if your phone is stolen. There should be a remote way of killing iMessage