With my last breath, I curse Zoidberg!

@cruzer555: I never said anything about not being rehabilitated. Nor did I say they shouldn't be. I just don't feel they should be making a wage, having cell phones, etc while in jail.

@Angriestgeek-2.0: He has an omega on his brain. No more thought to that. But the general did say he was upgraded by the government/army.

A WinMo 6.1 phone. Oh said technology.

Maybe we need to examine the fact that prisoners have cell phones, and $400 to buy them.

This was a decent episode which should have been spread over 2 episodes. Cut the gooey needless crap. We know they're in love. No need for the Amish folk to remind us of that.

Why are we wasting time with this tangent? Turn Darkseid into a real story rather than something you use as a backbone for some random side trips to Amish country/Evil Clark Land/Wherever we go next.

@ManchuCandidate: Where is this scene from? I'm missing an obvious joke.

I bought a TV online, and it was a massive mistake. Viewing angle was garbage. Menus sucked, remote sucked. I got suckered in by a Woot! price.

If only I could create a playlist or watch users feeds, this would be 100%.

@sufreak: Oh, addendum. With Hulu, its unpredictable. All the networks are being wishy washy with shows and content.

IMO, the problem still lies with content. I would have having to remember if a show is in Hulu, my media collection, or something on Netflix.

lets say the 'terrorist' does sneak a knife on board. The cockpit is locked. There are about 100+ other pissed off people on the plane. What does he hope to accomplish?

For every good hearted intelligent TSA agent who does his job right, there are 5 more who are lying morons who steal anything that isn't within your eyesight.

Because a federal agency always tells the truth.

I'm sure the TSA will call the guy who taped it a pedophile.

I saw the midnight premiere. This was so much better than the previous pile of stinking...well, you know.

I would like to see an epilogue of the actual story, not 20 years later.

I still hate the costume. It looks ribbed for her pleasure. And some of it looks way too CGI.