Jester David

Considering the majority of clients I have are pensioners having specific problems with their computer or phone, means that for the most part they know how to operate them just fine.

So... it’s a movie for people who nostalgically remember what it was like to be in High School in 1987? A bracket of people who are pushing fifty at the very least.

That wouldn’t surprise me in the least. Not many 70-year-olds can really operate a modern computer or smart phone, let alone 90yos.

Only the good die young...

Yup. One last season. For four or five seasons now...

I’m generally of the opinion that people should lighten up and just take the jokes aimed at them, even ones lightly rooted in stereotypes.
But then again, as a Canadian I’m one of the two groups of people Craig Ferguson says you can safely make fun of. (Spoken in I’m Here to Help, streaming on Prime; give credit & cite

There’s a reason married men live longer than single men: there’s someone there to tell you to get vaccinated, or have a doctor check out that mole, or remind you that you have responsibilities and a motorcycle is a bad idea.

Tell that to Dr. Seuss...

There’s a lot going on with incels.

“No real people” feels like a reasonably acceptable line. Real models opens up all kinds of cans of worms (age, ensuring consent, general exploitation, etc).

First up, the maybe slightly underrated John Carter, which Amber notes is “widely acknowledged as the biggest box office flop in history” (depending on your metric). Starting off in full film scholar mode, Ruffin explained that the notorious financial failure features as its hero, “a Confederate soldier who goes to


Yeah, that’s the catch. She made money, but’s not like she was paid that amount. Her stock and business made that much money, and she likely invested large amounts of it into future projects and various hedge funds and securities and other bank shit.

Often 27 year olds in her industry are in the early stages of their career, and it would be okay for her to be editing a local newspaper, or writing for a different magazine.

I’m not sure what the point of that is other than “I didn’t have an amazing job at 27 so she shouldn’t either.
(I’m suddenly wondering how much of the response is rooted in envy towards her getting a highly desirable job at 27. I’m not sure a magazine called Teen Vogue should be staffed by 40-year-olds.)

Sure. But you’d think I’d be able to reverse and back up...

The unstuck one will be nice. Too often my car has just stopped for no reason, as if I’m driving into an invisible wall...

Because it’s not done by Rocksteady.

I remember rewatching Spider-Man 3 with my son a couple years back and kept waiting for it to get terrible. And it just didn’t. It wasn’t as good as Spider-Man 2 but it wasn’t remotely bad. Until the “fourth act”. The first chunk of the movie all worked really well, with the “death” of the Sandman and the climax being

But she’ll get another job.