Jester David

That aside, I am genuinely glad to see that Tessica Brown is doing okay. She got a lot of grief for making a bad decision of which she was the only victim.

Or Kevin Hart...

Here in Alberta, several members of the Legislative were caught going on vacation during the pandemic. Four resigned and three were demoted. Because travelling out of country was a health risk.
Doing so during a state emergency is just a whole level of dickishness.

Plus, to execute their plan, they both needed to submerge themselves into the water for a few minutes to get “Rose’s” light jacket under the raft and then tie the straps into a knot (with hands frozen from the cold). Then sit on the raft, completely soaked, for another hour.

I am dying of laughter over this article...

But, there are tons of celebrities who don’t allow eye contact at any point, those people are trash.

do we really need to implement a test before people are allowed to enjoy entertainment?

In fairness, Democrats control both Houses and the President, holding 2/3rds of the government. And Hollywood is predominantly liberal.
The GOP is today’s counter-culture...

The fact that this seems weird is probably a sign that it does need to be talked about, considered, and normalized.
Having a product that 49% of the population might need to use doesn’t just feel like a courtesy, but something that should be a given.

I am brave enough now as a 35 year old woman....To repost this. Because. This must. Be known. As a teenager. With his not appropriate behavior....very. Not. Appropriate. So now. People know. What Joss. Did. The last. Comment I will make on this. Was. There was a rule. Saying. He’s not allowed in a room alone with

UPDATE, FRIDAY 9:15AM CST: Michelle Trachtenberg has added more information to her statement, saying “The last. Comment I will make on this. Was. There was a rule. Saying. He’s not allowed in a room alone with Michelle again.”

Extreme Ghostbusters, which debuted in 1997, was further outside the ‘Busters zeitgeist of the late ‘80s and early ‘90s, but we’re sure there are some kids out there who look at its updated squad (and listen to its hilariously extreme theme song) and feel a sense of dull childhood contentment.

Yes and no.

That false connection is powerful, off-putting, and maybe even a little dangerous. Using it to teach players, subconsciously or not, that achieving romance with another person is a factor of correct choices—that the right inputs can always be relied upon to produce the desired outputs—is an ugly side effect of a

Agreed. While the bonus 6th season was good, the 7th was pretty lacklustre.

To make a long story short-

Neither is saying something isn’t niche because it’s stocked at WalMart and Target. They have products for some pretty focused hobbies, like model trains.

I’m glad this story had a happy ending, both in terms of her having her head back and her not being thrust into debt over medical fees. 

Ummm... the entire hobby game industry was $1.675 billion in 2019. (
That includes board games but also miniatures games, card games (including Magic the Gathering) and roleplaying games. Board games occupy <$400 million of that.