
Jaime is dead. His story is done.
This is the tale of a brave knight who killed the Mad King to save the city from being burned, then died in battle trying to stop the Mad King's daughter from doing the same.
This is the tale of a brave knight saved from a certain death by fire, only to face a certain death by ice

I'm convinced now that Henry's unseen girlfriend is a Russian spy using him for his access to Stan. It's been foreshadowed several times. The irony is that they want to protect Paige from getting involved, but Henry has been involved the whole time.

I'll be honest, I thought the twist was going to be that Sam's wife kills Marion instead. Glad I was wrong about that one. It was a terrible idea.

So … The Eye shoots at David, but hits Kerry instead. Then walks away? Was he out of bullets? This made no logical sense. Unless his intent was to shoot Kerry. And even then - double-tap …

If you need an IMDB search to know what they've done, missing out on an IM spot at the Oscars might not be part of a conspiracy.

Say no to clap shaming!

Compiling a list of rules for future reference.
Unsolicited phone calls: not okay.
Unsolicited sexual contact (black): not okay.
Unsolicited sexual contact (white): okay.

my secular rationalization: Sister Maria was moved by the speech and poisoned Sister Antonia's bottle of water in a bout of shame and guilt.

"Lenny is instantly uncomfortable, so horrified at being around a gay person that he immediately ends the meeting"

Jackie is Crimson Fox. That is all.

IMHO D’Arcy Carden deserves MVP for the series. Or maybe that's just because I legit have a thing for Janet.

Remember when Angry White Men boycotted The Force Awakens, and it only made $2 billion …

My theory d'jour: Westworld is Lost 4.05 ("The Constant") extended to a full series. Dolores in particular seems to be flitting back and forth between past and present, and having trouble distinguishing between them.
So there are multiple timelines. And they're blurred together with no apparent distinction so we can

Hopkins wrote a letter to Bryan Cranston after binge-watching Breaking Bad to tell him that it was one of the most amazing performances he had ever seen. I suspect he's taken this role to see if he can deliver his own Walter White.

In this scene, you'll be working with Anthony Hopkins for the first time. Oh, and we're gonna need you to go ahead and take off all your clothes and do the scene naked.

"That's it. We're moving back to Gotham."

I was worried about her law firm and not her children. I am officially a horrible person.

Charlotte is dead, but officially / legally still alive (according to the police). So the law firm she runs must also believe she is still alive. But she's not. Mother is just wearing her skin. And mother can hardly step up and run the firm in her place (even if she wanted to). She doesn't even understand credit cards

If that's what you found, you weren't on the dark net.

My theory d'jour: at some point we will pull back and reveal that new tenants are watching THIS on a screen in the basement, and it will be revealed that the "real" Shelby is in fact the Kathy Bates character, that Matt and Lee are part of her cult, that Lee's daughter is the little girl in the house, etc.