
David Oliver is from Denver. Just met his brother yesterday playing softball. They are some really REALLY big boys.

ICWA is a federal act passed in 1978. It gives tribes exclusive jurisdiction over children who reside on tribal land. For those children not domiciled on tribal land, or with parents not on tribal land, the tribes have concurrent jurisdiction with preference given to the tribe. I over-stated by saying DCF, CPS, or

Natives are not subject to US laws. They get first jurisdiction when anything happens within their community. Outsiders are helpless when it comes to prosecution, particularly with child abuse.

I'm pretty confident it was Jason. The gun shot at the end right before Jessica opens the door was a huge indicator for me.

The books lead one to believe she is a supernatural creature of sorts, it's just not clearly defined what species.

She's a goblin or troll of some sort. It's the same doctor who saved Sookie in Season 2 when she was attacked by the maenad in the woods.

Claire on Modern Family opens a bottle of wine with a shoe. I still find that talent amazing.

Pretty, pretty please tell me that Barry Manilow is a photo-shop! There's no way he could sing with his face contorted and so immobilized from surgery.

I don't judge Hef's lifestyle, but I really can't imagine how his kids handle it. His son's comment shows support for Hef and a tinge of something else I just can't name. It's definitely not happiness or anything positive.

I will take none of you lip!

My sister has poured water in her lap and told cops that she did pee herself and needed to get home to change. This same sister got pulled over for speeding after leaving the gym. All messy and sweaty, she pulls fake tears and tells the cop she just caught her husband cheating. Both times, no ticket.

Oh it's on!

You reminded me of a little anecdote about Golda Meir, the first woman Prime Minister of Israel:

We need a reform to stop calling it birth control, then maybe people would be more on board.

I prefer a white glove slap, thanks.

Bugs is cutting off the wrong part. Keep everything south of Lake Osceola and cut out the middle. We'll be a happy little island, like Hawaii.

So moral of the story, Danielle hates people named Ashley.

Every time I hear that Lady Gaga cannot deliver a song, I want to the slam the speaker's ears with Gaga singing au naturel. The woman has pipes. Her performance is just that, performance. It sells.

Well said!

I will stop watching if there is no promise of Claude. I need my Fabio Fairy!