
Portia in the show is some sort of Selah Pompfrey/Portia mix. Gross, regardless

Whoa! I live in SF. I've never heard about this before. Tell me more about the Broadway strippers, pretty please.

Up until this season, I was able to reconcile the show with the books. Now, no idea. For example, the maenad story-line was totally different, but didn't drastically change how the series flows. This season, they killed Claudia and the fae were attempting to seal the portals. There goes the plot from the later

My dad always told me growing up that "anyone could be a father, it takes a special person to be a daddy." I whole-heartedly agree with your sentiments.

Star Jones pisses me off. Months ago she tweeted about the phrase "innocent until proven guilty" stating "until" should be changed to "unless." Reading her tweet now furthers my subjective proof that she was a terrible lawyer and a hypocrite.

My 6 year old schnoodle mutt is named Rocky Balboa. He was a rescue pup and will totally scrap. Nicknames include Munchers, Rockster, Rocksteady, Rocky Raccoon, Fish Hook, Ninja, and so on. I don't know what category I fit in.

I couldn't agree more. That's awful just to read. Love the name, by the way.

He looks just like Hedda Lettuce!

Is tweeting/facebooking RIP the new sending condolences and food to the family? I don't know if I really like this public approach. Something about it screams "I know he/she died, but LOOK AT ME!"

Hef publicly stated that there would be no pre-nup when they were first engaged. She would have walked out like a champ if they got divorced.

Sephora carries it.

Oh cracked nails. I thought I left you behind more than a decade ago. Why oh why are you back in my life!?

Depending on the IUD, you don't get your period. Regardless, you should be able to. The IUD is inserted into your cervix so that it sits nice and happy in your uterus. Menstruation control is not affected.

My options are Starbucks and Peet's. I always go for Starbucks because Peet's is just too strong. Also, the people are Starbucks are nicer and made it a point to learn my name and order. Peet's just feels more snobby.

excellent south park reference

@Erin Gloria Ryan: Oh MoGlo, you always crack me up. Their other main chore is to listen to us talk.

Technically, most of these priests would be considered pederasts.

I became aware of her 8 years ago when my high school Political Club had her come speak. It was 7 students and 2 teachers. She was so personable, but you could tell she was a strong force. This is a woman who went door-to-door to all of her future constituents in order to be elected to the Florida Congress. She
