
@vox_rowan: I'm not saying it's why I'm pursuing a JD/PhD, but the robes and poofy hats are a definite perk.

@Kazzah: She's not that good, but considering her production quality she's decent. The breath thing drives me nuts!

Wait. She has a voice? More shocking than the pisser.

@Azu-nyan: Really? I find stores like TJ Maxx and Marshalls to be much faster because of the single queue.

Let's not forget to take into account cash versus credit card versus check. Cash is always fastest. There's also a difference between amount of items and people in line. 3 people with a couple of items is a longer wait than 1 person with a full cart.

AW quoting Carl Jung. Color me impressed.

@SNEAKERS: Damn it. Foiled again. I would be a human pet for a woman like her.

@SNEAKERS: How could we become permanent house guests?

I want Jackie and Joan Collins and the British lady from RHoBH to be best friends and have them invite me to all their cocktail parties. They have such a wonderful Dynasty elegance.

@choufleur: Beatles fans always to the rescue. :)

@tinboots: Didn't come off as critical at all. I may be a bit bitter. Always wanted to believe that there were fairies and wood nymphs. Even at 5, I couldn't make myself believe.

@ForgotMyMantra: My Jewish friends would joke about Chanukah Harry. Pathetic attempt to make the Santa kids jealous.

@tinboots: I would say the same thing about the Tooth Fairy though, who I was taught to believe in. I just don't get lying to one's kids about an imaginary creature. Same goes for the Boogey Man, come to think of it.

@LaComtesse: Wanna go see a movie and eat Chinese on Saturday?

As the Jewish kid, I kept to myself about Santa. Then I turned 8. I outed the lie to any kid who would listen.

@StuckInCinci: Macca is what John called Paul. Say McCartney with a Liverpool accent. It makes sense.

@SteggysaurusRex: Use a pan to cut a circle out of the paper. Fold it in half three times so it looks like a thin slice of pizza. Happy cutting!

@variousentry: Insert whatever you need to hear ::here:: I'm 4 months out of my year and a half relationship. Lived together, had a dog, thought marriage. I feel you on the pain. It gets better though. Think about the pain today versus when it first happened. In another month, imagine what that decrease will

@Queenjulie: That's enough to earn a heart.

@Na zdrowie: I know and I'm the evil woman who won't commit. Guys like him make me believe in karma. It's as if the world said "Underboob, we know your last boyfriend was a douchey abuser. Here, have a sweet man who will make it his goal every day to make you smile."