
@Na zdrowie: My boo is super patient. He understands that I'm only 4 months out of a very intense relationship. Every day I am asked "have I told you how beautiful you are?" One day it was over text and I hadn't seen him and pointed this out. He explained that he wasn't commenting on my looks, but telling him how

@intelly: Amazing! I love Project #6. Do you sell? Have an etsy shop? I was going to get myself this: [] but I think I'd rather something of yours.

@AntiSquare: The girl at Benefit put it on the inner and outer corners of my eyes and highlighted right below my brow line. She didn't put it on my under eye dark circles. I noticed a difference, but not enough to shill out $20.

@LucyFlawless: I've never read either, but for dark British humor I recommond "I, Lucifer" by Glen Duncan.

@Na zdrowie: Quiet tech guys are awesome. It's why I love #whitenoise (Giz version of groupthink).

@intelly: It's beautiful. I like the doll picture behind it. Curious now at how many doll parts/things you have.

@RunningCori: That's the whole problem. She just changes how she feels and I never get why she would want to be with him.

@safeword: Me, but it's not my holiday, so...

@TheDaneAbides: Sometimes, you just have to make noises so they'll stop. I've never faked, but I've definitely been a little more expressive than I felt.

@RunningCori: I still don't find the movie funny. Every guy I know thinks it is hilarious. As a stoner, Seth Rogan's character offended me.

@allthegossip: Isn't it awful? I used to like "paramore," until the band became popular. It just sounds so romantic. I also enjoy terms of endearment in other languages, such as "ocellus" (darling - m. classical latin).

@allthegossip: The guy I'm currently seeing calls me his "boo boo" and he's just "boo." I prefer it over "lover." That could just be my SATC hate showing.

@smartastic: My grandmother does that. "Is your 'friend' going to be joining us for dinner?" I find it endearing.

@nancydrew: I have two older sisters and very involved parents. Watching the Kardashians interact is like watching my own family. There is a certain charm to them.

@Alpine Joe: Way late, but she screams borderline. Definitely cluster b.

They don't just scan for weapons. They also scan for illegal substances.