
To use Leslie Arfin's term of art - I friggin' can't stand dick whiskers.

@awinoforever: I'm confused by this statement. What makes you think Jezebel is anti-fashion, -image, and -style? Jezebel on a daily basis shows the highs and lows of fashion. They give us photo accounts of celebrities at different events. Each day we get gossip about the fashion industry, which I've never seen

Way late to the discussion, just watched the episode.

I've always loved me some Court, this just further solidifies it.

@WillowWeen: I'm only going to respond to the intent issue, because on the other one's we just have different perspectives and we may just have to agree to disagree.

@perdue: Hi fellow legal beagle!

@eruantaliel: I'm in California. The NC decision isn't binding here. Jurisdictions run state-by-state and federal jurisdictions, which are divided by regions. The only court whose law applies to the entire country is the US Supreme Court.

@Chrysocolla: When I went through my own bout of depression and anxiety the best advice my therapist ever gave me was to tell me to get dressed, do my hair, and put on some make-up every morning. Honestly, changing my physical appearance had a huge affect on my mood.

@WillowWeen: I wasn't putting forth that you should agree with me more, less, or at all because of my peers' views. I was expressing a shock of sorts that intelligent women in a law school, some of whom identify as feminists, would question whether such a scenario is rape. I was putting forth the case as an example

Wouldn't tanning addiction just fall under Impulse Control Disorder NOS? Same with internet or shopping addiction? As for coffee - we call addiction to that either substance dependence or abuse. It is a chemical.

I'm of the opinion that whenever we go through a major life change, we make some symbolic gesture to signify the change. Hair cuts are usually just the most obvious ones. I've seen women change how they wear their make-up or even go so far as to move. These rituals may come as a result of a break up or getting into

@eruantaliel: I agree with everything you said. And let's be honest, there are very few cut and dry rape cases.

@eruantaliel: Thank you. I was about to post something very similar. As a law student, I should probably be more articulate with my views, but this is a sensitive subject for me; I'll try the best I can.

@VeganPolice: How the frick did I miss a donut summit? Really San Francisco? Do you think you are so different from the rest of California that you won't even announce in the news that LA had a donut summit?

@ElviraGooch: I was torn between endorsing donuts or funnel cake. I figure funnel cake could count as a type of specialty donut, so I too, chose other and put donuts.

I love that most of the sweets listed were of the Jewish variety. Jewish desserts for the win!

@saralegal21: Hey, Wisconsin doesn't even have a BAR exam. Now, if only that did not involve living in Wisconsin. Sigh.

@saralegal21: I think this Montag-Pratt dissolution is a pretty fine example of lack of common sense. Funny story, I'm in California and they require the highest score for passing the MPRE. Guess we're just a state full of ethically corrupt attorneys.

@pursedangler: Oh for sure, but still. Sign all the conflict waivers you want, there's still a conflict. Just means they can't sue for malpractice. It'll probably hurt Spencer, so I don't really care.