
@cate3710: Flower child. Hippies didn't deserve 2nd.

@MischiefMinx: How bout you drive 7 hours north to San Francisco? I got the scoop here. I really don't know much about San Diego, but have heard that the lawyer types like Opening Day at Del Mar.

@MischiefMinx: Since you said your best friend is across the country, which coast is yours? Depending on locale, I may be able to direct you to some good places to scoop.

@MischiefMinx: Sorry, that totally came off wrong. I feel you on the degree thing, trust. I'm dual degreeing it. What up JD/PhD!

@curiousgeorgiana: Sherie Rene Scott is my goddess. The pipes on that woman is only rivaled by Idina. And when you compare the two on this song - Sherie wins hands down.

@MischiefMinx: Might I recommend a law student? I've found doctoral and masters students to be focused on themselves and work never emotionally progressing past 15. The law students on the other hand tend to have lofty goals and try to show women that they can provide in the here and now (emotionally and

@SmaženýSýr: Every episode is soooo good until you hit the end, then it's BAM. Waterworks.

@eruantaliel: I cried during that one, too. I just watched Series 1 ep. 10. "Are you my mummy?" Heart wrenching.

Damn you Dr. Who. You're there for my pleasure. Not to make me cry.

@yeimi: I put it on those paper strips. Usually, I'm drinking coffee when I shop, so that solves that problem. In actuality, good perfume shops usually have some sort of smelling salt to reset your nose. I actually learned this tip from a guy in Nordstrom's in a mall in San Francisco.

@snacktastic: I love Community! I had thought I'd seen every episode. Apparently not. Which one is this?

@callmecate: Oh I know. I used to do extensive work with the autism population. It doesn't matter how often we explain to parents or how many studies come out, everyone still listens to Jenny McCartney - vaccines don't cause autism.

@callmecate: Gotcha. I just remember 10 years ago the big scare with antiperspirants. The more you know.

Thank you for today's music selection. I've never head of The Like before and I love love love this type of music. Time to find some torrents...

I'm confused. Didn't we learn that antiperspirants cause cancer?

@yeimi: The problem with stores like Sephora is that there are too many smells at once. You don't get a true sense of any perfume. Also, when you repeatedly smell perfumes the actual smell gets distorted and the repeated inhalation of chemicals can give you a headache.

@escapefromny: I've nothing to add except: ::giggles::