
@curiousgeorgiana: I'm on the second episode of this season as we speak. Jezzies converted me to Doctor Who and I'm so glad you did!

Posted this in groupthink, but reposting here.

@femme-bot: Oh no! Not the dreaded crossed legs. Whatever shall we do? Someone fetch my fainting couch and smelling salts, I feel a terrible spell approaches me.

Oh my goodness! Big fat tear for happy excited wonderful mother and son moment.

@HBIC!: I know. The boyfriend is an absolute outlier. He's like a friggin superman. I bump into a pillow and I instantly bruise. He can fall down a flight of stairs and not get even so much as a scratch. Man is a genetic anomaly. Trust when the ER doctors were shocked at how healthy he is even though he doesn't

@madgetheripper: I agree with you. There are people who choose to eat themselves into obesity. Did we not read here on Jezebel about a woman who was trying to eat her way into the Guiness World Records as the heaviest woman?

@HBIC!: There are healthy smokers. My boyfriend, who smokes not quite a pack of day for 5 years was recently in the ER for a non-related lung collapse. (Pretty please, don't argue with that, the doctor explained to us that the collapsed lung was due to his body type and not his smoking. I was trying to get her to

@jane.girl: Oh my niece lied to get on facebook, courtesy of the influence of one of her second cousins. When I go home for my other sister's baby shower I'm going to politely force my niece to allow me on her facebook so that I can secure her privacy settings. Can't trust my sister. This is the same woman who gave

@jane.girl: I think you've some up some of the most salient, but rarely mentioned, arguments quite nicely.

@dc89: The photos are the equivalent to your future employer walking into a bar and seeing you throw back a 6th shot. While it might not impact the job you do, they will question whether you are the type of employee they want. You call in sick on Friday, the question becomes - is she going out? Is she hung over

Wait. Isn't the Jersey Shore cast in Miami? Why is there a hub-bub about Seaside Heights?

@curiousgeorgiana: Likewise. Sometimes I have nothing witty to add and I can't promote because the person is already starred. Unfortunately, I was the one who made the "COTD" gaff today. What else was I to say to BHB, other than making a crude Octo-Mom joke?

@dahliacactus: That's just precious. I know if push came to shove and I really did find a sugar daddy, my man would flip his shit.

@ragincajun67: Gah! All I can think of is Jason "Gummi Bear" Davis.

Funny Story: My significant other is all for me finding a sugar daddy, as long as the guy was okay with me keeping my SO as a male mistress on the side. Oh, and if I could spend the money on him.

@Hortense: I love that you mention that as I'm typing up the email. Maybe we could include COTD in the next "how to comment" article?