For the most part I liked the ending too, but Starbuck got screwed and it was obvious they had NO idea how to wrap up her story. That aspect of the ending was super irritating to me.
For the most part I liked the ending too, but Starbuck got screwed and it was obvious they had NO idea how to wrap up her story. That aspect of the ending was super irritating to me.
I’d love to stick this next to my NES Classic but I have 0 expectations of being able to snag one. Also dude, Nintendo learned from the NES Classic debacle, they made way more than ten, they made twelve.
No, I’m not a BB troll!
Well, rich people, for one.
Since when, because again, I am finding numerous articles online about the warehouses being open on Thanksgiving.
A quick Google search showed me people fighting for Thanksgiving off in Amazon warehouses. It appears from what I can tell they do not shut down. Which is not surprising as Amazon treats their warehouse workers pretty poorly.
I mean, let’s just get real, Amazon more than likely doesn’t give the vast majority of its workers Thanksgiving off either. You think they shut down their warehouses during the busiest shopping time of the year? I use Amazon all the time, for the record, but they probably don’t treat the peons that much better (if…
As you get caught up with the news you’ve missed it’s important to stay strong.
I just started working from home and it has seriously eaten into my podcast listening. My 30 minute commute was the perfect time to relax a bit, consume some comedy, and get ready for the day. I’m not really complaining mind you, but I did enjoy my commute.
As someone from the “third coast” it’s only a thing to obnoxious assholes who live in the area and have a #saltlife sticker on their raised Chevy. Also I guess it’s a thing to idiots who give a shit about beefs? Literally no one else gives a shit, it’s a crappy coast desperately trying to be more than it is.
Not really! The 3DS rests just in the right place to interrupt blood flow, I’m not saying it wouldn’t happen eventually, but the 3DS is especially bad about it.
I assumed an employee grabbed it to game the system. If 180 was missing 180 was always going to win. The Switch was in no way unclaimed.
Yeah sitting up is comfortable but I like to play before going to sleep. My wife falls asleep almost immediately, I take a little while.
I just got a New 3DS this past Christmas and this is the worst. If I am sitting up it is fine, I can play that thing for hours (I just did, on a plane, it was great) but if I am in bed I can maybe play for twenty minutes tops before my hands start to cramp and then fall asleep.
Still, the game’s not a “bummer” to everyone.
Vegetable shortening works just great, as does vegetable oil (are those vegan?). Grape seed oil is actually fantastic to use.
Vegetable shortening works just great, as does vegetable oil (are those vegan?). Grape seed oil is actually…
I was having this same issue, your heat is too high. Cast iron takes a while to heat up, and it doesn’t heat super evenly like some claim, but it does get rippingly hot. I find if I am using a recipe and it says to cook something on high I bump it down to medium high or even medium and it does just fine.
I was having this same issue, your heat is too high. Cast iron takes a while to heat up, and it doesn’t heat super…
I’m slowly making my way through this game again in the lead up to the new one and it’s just so good. That’s really all I have to offer, it exceeds my expectations for what a first person shooter should be and it’s fun as hell. If stabbing Nazis in the neck is wrong I don’t want to be right.
And here comes the Tesla Defense Force to scream down anyone who disagrees with the God King Elon. Elon is perfect. Tesla is perfect. Praise thee.
On one of those articles it appeared someone was dismissing comments pointing out that Mayweather beats the shit out of women. I guess that didn’t fit into the narrative that he is just playing a character?