
Thanks for writing this, for some reason The Root has decided to completely ignore what a piece of shit Mayweather is (apparently beating women is all an act? A character that he plays?) in favor of railing all over McGregor. Why ignore the fact that both of them are pieces of shit? I can get behind horrible humans

I fail to see how women lying about being on birth control keeps a man from wearing a condom?

I feel like you just sold it to yourself.

I’ve never wanted an Alexa more.

I’ve never wanted an Alexa more.

I’m loving the redesign, almost as much as I’m loving the Mustang Manchildren sobbing about mean jokes that totally aren’t even funny anymore guys so just stop.

It hasn’t gotten old though. Try not to plow through any crowds next time you get behind the wheel will ya.

You’re wrong, but you’re just so sure of your wrongness that I can’t help but be impressed. You’re still wrong though.

The story is now becoming “well yeah he met with Russians trying to get dirt on Hillary but there is nothing wrong or illegal about that.” Yeah collusion clearly happened but there’s nothing wrong with it.

Oh my God. This is beautiful.

My favorite part about this story is how nothing will happen. Not a damn thing. Nothing will come of this. I’m pretty sure there could be video of Trump handing Putin a big bag of money and Putin handing Trump a box labeled “Election” and nothing. would. happen.

Any person with at least a partially functioning brain can tell you a hotdog is not a sandwich. There is no debate. There was never a debate.

Yeah of course, but making that claim gets blogs to write about them and Tesla is all about that. They don’t actually care if they hit that target, and neither do their fans.

Aw hell yeah, you’re all good then.

Much sadder actually. Hopefully your SO croaks before you so as not to be haunted for seeking happiness.

Jesus Christ I knew jezzie commenters could be petty and judgemental but this takes it to a whole new level. This would be quick for me personally, but I also don’t know these people or their lives. If they’re both happy more power to them, I like all these arbitrary amounts of time where he should be mourning.

It’s kind of sad and telling that you’d rather your SO spend the rest of their life mourning instead of attempting to find happiness with someone else.

Gah, I’m so dense sometimes. That makes way more sense.

So you don’t like handjobs?

Or you can take all that money wasted on a kid in hopes that they’ll eventually take care of you and just use it to pay someone to take care of you.

Yeah this sounds like a win for United, they got their way and didn’t have to deal with the bad press of kicking the shit out if a passenger. Their customers are sufficiently scared at this point to roll over and take whatever they dish out, I’m sure the other airlines are taking notes.