OMG. Toby loves water too! Your Bosty is so cute.
OMG. Toby loves water too! Your Bosty is so cute.
How dare you make jokes about the Nintendo Switch good sir! The Nintendo Switch is serious business and I’m tired of all of the “jokes” being made at it’s expense!*
Yeah, this is especially funny given the PS4 Pro and Scorpio.
Lol. Nintendo will notice your devotion one day sport, keep at it.
Don’t worry! This is either a feature or #fakenews, all depends on which Nintendo fan you’re talking to.
You STILL have idiots screaming about how Obama incited violence and riots, which just makes no fucking sense. Even if he did though, apparently it’s now ok because...the other guy did it? It’s ok when my guy does it? I don’t even know honestly.
Don’t read them. Problem solved.
It’s embarrassing that neither you nor your friends are able to not click on an article you have no interest in. Really you just seem like an embarrassing person.
I’m fixing to take my chances flying with this exact battery. We will see how it goes.
I’m fixing to take my chances flying with this exact battery. We will see how it goes.
If I eat at 11 or 1130 my afternoon lasts approximately twenty years, if I eat at 1230 it lasts about four to five hours. Also I usually bring my lunch, because I’m boring and economical and boring.
This is good shit and criminally under starred.
Very nice. I used to go every year but life and my fading interest in anime stopped that. I’ve always kind of wanted to go back for old times sake but I feel like I’m so out of touch with anime culture that it would be fruitless.
They absolutely do, because they’ve been convinced that their time will come. They will one day have that many zeroes to their name because The American Dream, just as soon as they take care of the Mexicans and welfare queens then they’ll be rich.
He always looks dirty, always. I don’t understand. It’s like he’s been in character this whole time playing a pirate that never showers.
Thanks for this, my girlfriend and I saw a preview recently for the new Transformers movie and she asked how Anthony Hopkins could be involved in something so awful. Told her it was a paycheck, and probably a huge one at that, those movies consistently make bank. Nothing wrong with working for a paycheck, that’s how…
Oh Lord get off it. Acting is a job first to the vast majority of actors out there, do you think the person with five lines in a TV commercial gives a shit about the art they are creating? No, they care about the fact that they are getting a paycheck. There is absolutely nothing wrong with an actor treating acting as…
A Model 3 could roll out to fifth avenue and shoot someone and Elon’s army would rush to its defense.
It’s so embarrassing, one good thing though is watching Nintendo fanboys snap their spines trying to defend it. Good stuff.
Seriously. What even is this? What was the point?
“and maybe I’m just being overly sensitive”