But seriously, why go with O? The first thing people are gonna ask is what does O stand for. I'd go with Sam.
But seriously, why go with O? The first thing people are gonna ask is what does O stand for. I'd go with Sam.
No one in this story got shot, eaten by an alligator, or busted for methamphetamine distribution, so I fail to see how this is the quintessential Florida story.
Her scene with the “shame” nun was already bone chilling, and Lena was clearly enjoying every sec of it, she did a great job showing how Cersei is reveling in her sadistic revenge rampage (as she has nothing left to lose).
I think the normal zombies aren’t immune to fire, only the ice-men leaders.
Arya isn't part of the Faceless Men now. They tried killing her, she won and she said fuck ya'll and left.
It’s pretty clear that Margaery’s “religious zeal” was fake as hell. Two things point to this:
Hadn’t watched an episode until 3 weeks ago. Started at the beginning and used all my spare time to power through up to season 6 episode 8.
I’m pretty sure Pycelle was taken out so that all members of Tommen’s small council were dead (the rest were in the sept), so that she could form a new council filled with people she trusts (the other maester who is loyal to Cersei was wearing the hand of the queen symbol during the coronation scene as well).
What are you talking about? Dorne is like 3 days away from Meereen by ship (it’s less than 500 miles). And he left BEFORE the siege started. Which was before Dany came back. Before the navy of the masters was defeated. And then their ships were captured. And converted and fixed, etc. You’re making a very silly mistake…
Yeah, yeah... There are always several of you guys in these comments. Whenever a bunch of people like something you always have to have a few come out with a overwrought rant about they’re all wrong. You can love on GRRM all you want, but the last couple of books have been a tedious morass. The show is doing fine.
They may be immune to normal fire, but probably not dragon’s fire. Jon shattered one of them with his Valyrian sword in Hardhome, and Valyrian steel was originally made by forging the steel with dragon’s fire. So it’s possible the reason Valyrian steel is effective against White Walkers is because it possesses some…
Littlefinger does not fit in the pure evil camp at all. Dany doesn’t fit in the pure good either.
It wasn’t out of left field. A girl has a list. Walder Frey was on that list.
you need to calm down. it was awesome you are the only one mad. even all the book readers i know loved it.
this is not a series you can just jump into. if you dont start from the beginning you wont understand almost anything.
i knew the second we saw a scene with the freys they were gonna die. i half expected jaime to do it, but instead he just threw shade.
she knew it was gonna happen eventually thanks to the prophecy she heard as a girl. now a younger brother is gonna kill her. (jaime is a few minutes younger fyi)
When Tommen walked out that windows I was like, oh shit, Cercei is going to go bat shit insane.