djsubversive--disqus… is interesting, but doesn't really have a lot of answers to this sort of thing. It mentions that he was one of the scientists involved in MK-ULTRA, which could easily be alpha-experimentation (in-universe, of course). The alphas wiki is pretty sparse on that subject, too:… is interesting, but doesn't really have a lot of answers to this sort of thing. It mentions that he was one of the scientists involved in MK-ULTRA, which could easily be alpha-experimentation (in-universe, of course). The alphas wiki is pretty sparse on that subject, too:

@avclub-4370a09825ce603a74e42ef6eca56ef9:disqus on that note: Kat, being an Alpha, didn't seem to have any strange reaction to the drug made from Alpha blood. Other than her hand-thing, but she's a main character now, so she get a special effects budget. I was hoping for a little more with that, but I'm hopeful

@avclub-4370a09825ce603a74e42ef6eca56ef9:disqus on that note: Kat, being an Alpha, didn't seem to have any strange reaction to the drug made from Alpha blood. Other than her hand-thing, but she's a main character now, so she get a special effects budget. I was hoping for a little more with that, but I'm hopeful

This. Dani's Dad was trying to convince himself that Dani wasn't the mole, but Doctor Rosen was confirming his suspicions that she was.

This. Dani's Dad was trying to convince himself that Dani wasn't the mole, but Doctor Rosen was confirming his suspicions that she was.

Here's a thought: Tyler's ability (if he has it, and they didn't do a CGI can-bounce just to get Cam all worked up) doesn't work when he's stressed.

Here's a thought: Tyler's ability (if he has it, and they didn't do a CGI can-bounce just to get Cam all worked up) doesn't work when he's stressed.

Yay Jinxie! I was glad to see them resolve that, and yeah, Steve's mom was great.

Yay Jinxie! I was glad to see them resolve that, and yeah, Steve's mom was great.

Kat wants Gary to help track down more clues about her past, and they go on weekly adventures that uncover a little more of her history. Kat does something impulsive and Gary feebly protests, but follows her anyway! Gary misinterprets Kat's casual conversations in a hilariously literal manner!

Kat wants Gary to help track down more clues about her past, and they go on weekly adventures that uncover a little more of her history. Kat does something impulsive and Gary feebly protests, but follows her anyway! Gary misinterprets Kat's casual conversations in a hilariously literal manner!

Hm. The alpha phenomenon is relatively recent (with the exception of Stanton Parish), or at least undocumented, since somebody (Rosen, probably) refers to Zoe as a "second generation alpha" when they first met her. Cam's son is the only other one we've "met," but there were other kids in Alphaville (with alpha

Hm. The alpha phenomenon is relatively recent (with the exception of Stanton Parish), or at least undocumented, since somebody (Rosen, probably) refers to Zoe as a "second generation alpha" when they first met her. Cam's son is the only other one we've "met," but there were other kids in Alphaville (with alpha

I think it's more "sibling rivalry" than "irrational hate" - he did come through for her when she needed it (granted, she was playing him and had to invoke Bill to do it). And he came to see if she was okay when she didn't respond on the earpiece. As much as he hates on her, by the end of the episode, he seems to at

I think it's more "sibling rivalry" than "irrational hate" - he did come through for her when she needed it (granted, she was playing him and had to invoke Bill to do it). And he came to see if she was okay when she didn't respond on the earpiece. As much as he hates on her, by the end of the episode, he seems to at

Gary was on fire tonight.

Gary was on fire tonight.

It did come up after Lauren threatened to shove Vex's arm so far down his own throat he'd be mesmerizing his bowel movements if he didn't cooperate (go Lauren!). She injected Vex, Vex joined the chain, and the Garuda stopped being able to feed on the strife Vex had been creating by not being bound. I think. The Garuda

It did come up after Lauren threatened to shove Vex's arm so far down his own throat he'd be mesmerizing his bowel movements if he didn't cooperate (go Lauren!). She injected Vex, Vex joined the chain, and the Garuda stopped being able to feed on the strife Vex had been creating by not being bound. I think. The Garuda