
The original game is weird because it's pretty much a serious GTA-style game. There are some jokes and lighter moments, like Dex's "Los Carnales" bit, and the lines "Playa" says at the end of each chapter, but for the most part, it's just an open-world crime game, nothing too special about it.

SR2 was probably the high point for me. The Third and IV were fun as hell, don't get me wrong, but 2 seemed to have the best mix of silly and serious. Plus, the citizens seemed to be more detailed - the aforementioned barbershop quartet, couples making out on benches. There was also more variety between people, like

so… yay, modders?

@irabrooker:disqus "cut off all your fingers, and stab yourself in the eye!"

King Missile is full of craziness.

even later to the party, but I think it was "mumps?"

@avclub-f2b489efd726db529335e31c83509c73:disqus You probably get this a lot, but I recently burned through just about all of Fringe and now I read all of your comments with the voice of, well, Agent Broyles. "Bizarro Maroon Universe" is especially awesome in Lance Reddick's voice.

It has nothing to do with her state of undress. He just needs to urinate.

It has nothing to do with her state of undress. He just needs to urinate.

"At 5.13, I will snap his neck. At 5.14, Windmark will draw his last breath."

"At 5.13, I will snap his neck. At 5.14, Windmark will draw his last breath."

Jingle Bells, which leads to Dashing Through the Snow, which leads one to Dash…

Jingle Bells, which leads to Dashing Through the Snow, which leads one to Dash…

Wasn't the assassin for the science-team Observers named Donald? It seems like there's very little coincidence in the world of Fringe. (I also think he got killed at the end of the August episode, but this is Fringe, where death is not the end. also time-travel).

Wasn't the assassin for the science-team Observers named Donald? It seems like there's very little coincidence in the world of Fringe. (I also think he got killed at the end of the August episode, but this is Fringe, where death is not the end. also time-travel).

Olive's the strong one.

Olive's the strong one.

that explains the six-fingered hand glyph.

that explains the six-fingered hand glyph.

This is pretty late, since I'm only now watching Fringe (and enjoying it), but at first, I thought that maybe this was going to be the Red Universe version of that case. Then it cut to Peter. Aww. Still, this episode had more of "our" Lincoln Lee, and that's never a bad thing.