Spared DJ

I played this at Pax two years ago.

Very, very agreed. And I often don’t like it when they ‘improve’ the music and translation.

I bought Akira on its DVD release and found I really missed the old voices, even if that translation supposedly wasn’t as good (although it certainly matched their mouths better), so I hunted a digital copy down in the bay of

Honestly? It’s just more convenient for me to drop a few bucks and get clean, reliable, DRM-free copies of games. As Gabe Newell likes to say, the best way to beat piracy is convenience. GOG games are cheap enough to be well worth it, especially when they’re on sale.

Rush to develop a new console? They’re following the same schedule as always.

I can believe that if the 2003 internet was going to share one thing and one thing only, it would be an ASCII version of the matrix.

Thank the Lord for Redheads :3

I have categorized the types/drives
Thunderbolt - WD My Passport Pro
USB3 - WD My Passport Ultra
OWC Envoy Pro EX - Super fast SSD

I have categorized the types/drives
Thunderbolt - WD My Passport Pro
USB3 - WD My Passport Ultra
OWC Envoy

He is so good in Destiny I can’t even. I’ve never been that big a fan of Fillion (not through malice, just never dug anything he’s in), but god lord Cayde is the best thing about destiny now.

Maybe if we flood her with cute gifs she won’t leave.

Guys maybe if we never stop commenting on this she won’t be able to leave.

Not everyone has a big happy family and sometimes the people you meet online and spend some much time with even if its just in a vitrual world and youve never seen them face to face you consider as your family

I've heard somewhere that Miyamoto is working on Pikmin 4. I'm all for it because even though I enjoyed 3, it felt short, story-mode wise. Hopefully, the sequel cold come in a few years from now.

I haven't played Little King's Story or Army Corps of Hell, but I can say confidently that Wonderful 101 has absolutely no similarities to Pikmin, gameplay-wise, besides the point of view and the health circle for enemies. That's it, really.

Summary: Shigeru Miyamoto had an idea.

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking of the Gamecube is definitely Pikmin. It's the reason I bought a Gamecube, and the reason I never ended up regretting getting a Gamecube. Totally worth the launch-day price of admission.

Bulorb, Y U DO DIS?!?

This post right here kind of sums up everything I see wrong with the videogame industry atm. I wish I could like the PS4 and the xbone, but why would I want to buy any of those when I can get similiar titles on my already beefy PC? I can count the legitimately unique games from both systems together in one hand. I am

No More Heroes, No More Heroes 2, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Bioshock Infinite, Pikmin 3, and Mario Kart 8. (as of my 30th) its still here and thanks to nintendo it will be here for generations to come.

Around the middle of November of last year I built my parents a computer for about $300. I used similar components from the $300 build here, but I was able to get a 64GB Samsung 830 SSD on sale for $50 (a great deal at the time). Since they don't need much storage it turned out to be great. That system is a little

Just yesterday, I traded in my 2007 Macbook pro for amazon credit and decided to look into a desktop. This guide couldn't have come at a more opportune time. Thanks, Alan.