
you must be high.

you’d make a good troll rhett, unless of course this was actually a serious article, in which case I feel extremely sorry for the people who have to sign your paychecks.

thanks for the credentials... my question still stands... how dense and disconnected from society are you? as a lawyer you of all people should understand how valuable ones time is seeing as you literally charge by the minute

how dense and disconnected from the real world are you? I bet you did a lot of traveling after college

I bet you voted for schillary and her lot of very trustworthy non-liars but it’s ok because you agree with 2 or 3 of their policies so whatever

it’s a simple concept really. everyone bitches about uber the same way everyone bitches about the NFL. They post their social media rants during their lunch breaks about how shitty they are, how they treat their employees etc and then they watch all the games on Sunday. Nothing changes because at the end of the day

so who’s word are you taking?

man sciences feelings must be hurt and/or confused by all this shitting and fucking, freak.... let’s excuse him from class... hell science, that big exam you have tomorrow? don’t take it

Thanks sheep Hows Rachel maddow’ vagina taste, I’d let her sit on my face but only under special circumstances

yeah, sorry these bunch of chronic liars aren’t the bunch chronic liars you prefer... did you think of that unbelievably clever nickname all by yourself?

thanks for the retarded “statement”, retard

oh really? so when should we believe these people? when it’s convenient for you or when they backtrack to appease you?

I’d like to think I am not, but if that’s not the case then what’s the point?

if you have been paying attention to this election at all and you live in one of the states that voted dem, you should now be able to digest all of the left winged narrative that’s been shoved down your throat by all of the liberal media outlets INCLUDING Ashley and the “journalists” on this site they perpetuated the

this a million times, but no let’s just push that to the side

if you won’t cool it than I guess you truly are ignorant to one the major reason why he became president in the first place... but why be informed? it’s not like hundreds/thousands of people read your content and shape their opinions over it or anything....

this is so lol-worthy and is seeping with entitlement and self-pity... sorry you chose a profession that you knew full well would carry limited benefits and pay... but continue to write biased, left-wing articles about it because that will help...

this. I stood idly by, read and watched the liberal media (which absolutely includes this site and its writers) perpetuate fear and be smug about it the entire way. It alienated a significant portion of the population and they responded by being motivated, angry voters... something Hilary supporters only posted about

“more terrorist attacks coming, more wars, more disasters. Now every single move Trump makes will be ripped apart.” this will happen regardless of who is president of the US. You are so unbelievably jaded and angry because everything you were fed was pure pander and it didn’t work out for you

You and all the other so called liberals on this site need to seriously stop. Understand why what happened happened, take responsibility for and learn from it. If you are so enamored with your social issues and finger pointing that you can’t see WHY trump got elected then you have no business writing about politics,