
Have you ever made a private, non-life threatening mistake thats harmed no one but yourself and possibly someone immediately close to you? Yeah, you have. Now think of that mistake getting national media attention that causes you to spiral out of control and ruin your life. Now imagine you spend over a decade paying

so are we going to get another update on this? maybe a correction or retraction because the entire headline and story is now false? You know, because anyone who calls themselves a journalist would.

man... the shifting of the goalposts is really, really impressive here. First it was “these fucking racist, fascist pieces of shit who confronted and harassed native american” oh wait, none of that is true. Now the narrative is that they “didn’t let him through” (even though he stopped for 5 minutes to drum in the

right? how dare those kids stand there and do nothing and be obnoxious assholes!!

I know right? its like people just flock to a thing that another person says and get outraged by it, without even knowing what actually happened!!

do you listen to yourself speak? are you a real person?

woah woah, wouldn’t want to show the facts, that would go against the narrative buddy...

do you understand that this story is complete nonsense? Have you actually seen the news this morning or could you just not get any sleep because you were so outraged by this manufactured story

You better issue an apology before people like you ruin these kids lives. They were standing there doing nothing and you know it now. Be a an adult and admit you were wrong.


Man, this article aged really well....

It’s funny that you and others still talk about politicians lying like its never happened before.
But my question to you is...what promises has he not kept from his campaign? jobs, illegal immigration, wall, ISIS are all literally being dealt with.

This is one of the better REEEE headlines i’ve seen out of you guys in a while now

Thanks for not making it political drew, always appreciate that.

You’re thinking of the one and only Bill Fillmaff. The legend will live forever

Shh stop making so much sense it’ll rock the very core of the pedestal all of the giz writers circles jerk on

i’m pretty sure he, nor 98% of the writers on here are trying to be considered “journalists”

yeah screw that guy for taking one of, if not the most powerful position in intelligence in the world, something that many, including himself work their entire lives to be considered for because people don’t like his boss. Such infinite stupidity on his part.

you’d be right

I thought it was pretty catchy...