Much easier to think Russia influenced your election than YOU VOTED IN A RACIST MYSOGINIST
Much easier to think Russia influenced your election than YOU VOTED IN A RACIST MYSOGINIST
Über just doesn’t listen to anyone .
Technically you already are...
Sharing pastry in a kiss?? Yuccchhhhhhhh
Don’t blame me, I didn’t even vote!
8:02am local time and already COTD
Alana, how do I downvote a post on Kinja?
Woman: stop telling me what to do.
You’re a fucking idiot.
Plus he probably has dentures so he won’t even be able to enjoy a steak!
Sorry which other one is her? As a woman, and not hand drawn?
I expect gas prices to rise as Donnie gives his Oil friends/masters jobs
The only people denying climate change are Reptoids and their puppets (Reptoids wanting to cause global warming to make earth more habitable for them.)(their ships are hidden in the ocean)
And she can’t get her picture taken?
Ok but there hasn’t been one more recent picture released to public ever?
Can you or Can’t you tackle someone befoooore they catch the ball?