I mean, if they insist...
I mean, if they insist...
Catering, Flowers, Guest Book, Commemerative Pen
Is there any medical use for fetal remains? If so, there is no reason to destroy it. If you want to ban abortions, just go ahead and ban them, not pussy-footing around and wasting everyone’s time.
The mother/daughter is so perfect it wouldn’t be out of place in a WW2 survivors photo
Show off...
Good thing she was involved in a toilet-paper-roll over
Meanwhile I stubbed my toe and the nail fell off...
Ow that’s what I call a sticky situation
Straight razor or death.
Straight razor or death.
Hi ;)
THE Canadian Football League Grey Cup is Today!!!!!
The Royales: just like us$
Most of these are targeted at civilians.... This is terrorism.
The one that swore to go down gun blazing, ran a police barricade and went for a concealed weapon, right?
MeNwhile, in Malheur...
Clicking on a jpg makes it download?
You didn’t see the big death in TFA coming? Really? It was telegraphed like a bad wrestling move