
Also please don't consume cocaine. The demand for cocaine is what creates the terrible supply chain that keeps many countries in the Americas poor and violent.

Not So Fun Fact: The United Nations and the European Union both have determined that Bolivia's (legal) demand for coca leaf consumption was already met with 12,000 hectares. Evo Morales, who is still the leader of the coca growers union, move to expand to 22,000 hectares raises many eyebrows to say the least, as it's

I was a shitty older brother. This is something that I regret immensely. I expected my younger brother to be on my same level of maturity, expecting of him things without giving him the chance of actually learning them by experience. He turned out better than me in most ways, thankfully. Still I feel bad for not

Social Justice 1-2-3! I wanna be PC! Woowoo!