DJ $hrimp $campi

Real interior will look like this:

Like this pretty little ditty right here?

You did say the magic word!

Can someone un-gray me please?

Still grill-less but with some surface detail.

Yep, not surprising.

Before I click, I’m guessing Enthusiast Auto.

Pretty much how my asshole would look slammed shut during this.

I came here to post FSAE car. Totally agree. Looking forward to seeing you guys at Michigan.

Nice picture, a lot going on; tombstones, boats and a divided road.

I think the most shocking part of this story is that there were TWO people in a Wal-Mart that were anti-Trump.


Does your fun side have an expiration hour or something

Kate’s dirty sister is my favorite. I am assuming it is referenced to Kate Middletons little sister Pippa

Start your lawnmower, it sounds more like that.

You get a star! You get a star!

Turn on your dishwasher. It sounds like that

Baaaah, I came her for a sound clip lol. Oh well guess I have to wait till this weekend.

Jack: Hey, did you know that-