
Rance Howard or Andy Griffith?

Last summer, St. Paul's History Theater ran a enjoyable play also called "Complicated Fun" that was set in the same time period. The narrative structure featured two crazy kids flirting with each other and the music scenes dueling for their attention: both the underground punk and the Prince/Jimmy Jam+Terry

I thought Netflix only streamed the first season or two, back then.

Well, fair enough. If you don't mind if I move the goalposts a little, if I remember correctly, Donald Sutherland's Watcher was more like the crow in The Crow, which is to say, a solo mentor and guide, an individual, rather than a group of guys that liked watching teenage girls in jeopardy. That movie came out in '92,

Now that's what I call the riddle of steel!

I think the Watchers were borrowed from Highlander: The Series. They're a secret club of regular humans. They have access to secret exposition that is pretty cool for regular humans to possess, on account of them being so squishy and short-lived compared to the series' main focuses. The Watchers sometimes have drama

Not a bad article, but I liked the City Pages take on the same material. This was published six years ago, the same three guys were just as interesting to talk to back then.…

Don't go to Jupiter; Mars is okay — Daedelus

France is our gay uncle in the big city that let us crash on his couch for a few months when we finally ran away from home. Then he got really weird for a while. He's mostly cool now, though, just don't get him started on the immigrants.

Borg: The Other White Meat

I'm pretty sure both trailers were done by Blur Studio. They make short kinetic trailers or cutscenes, specializing in pushing licensed properties into being more totally rad than their source material. Here's a sizzle reel:

Breaking news coming in from Spain. Francisco Franco is still dead.

It's 1936 week here at the AV Club, so let's look back at the Busby Berkeley/Lloyd Bacon film Gold Diggers of 1937 and ask if this is where the Gold Diggers franchise really started to lose steam.

Anyone who has some time on their hands and wanted to get more out of Lynch's movie would do well to track down Spicediver's fan edit. S/He added back in the deleted scenes while cleaning them up, reworked the structure, and many other minor changes. It still is a little loose towards the end, but at least the rainy

What was the original ending? Was it sadder than some old lady losing her grandchild to a bunch of helium balloons?

Was it "The Searcher"? Bader searched for things, I think.

No love for mousy put-upon Satan in "South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut"? His showstopping number "Up There" well, stopped the show. Watching the Prince of Darkness find the courage to break up with his emotionally abusive boyfriend, Saddam Hussein, in a reference to "Star Trek III: The Search For Spock" was and is

So I guess we won't be getting that Babylon 5 movie in 2016?

I figured Jake wrote the detective novel Odo was reading.