
Yeah you can keep dreaming.  The narcissism of liberal bullies is amazing.  Atlanta will be just fine.  Let's see how quick these production companies want to return to California with the taxes and you'll see just how strong their backbone is.  It's just like all the whining celebrities that were leaving when Trump

Doesnt help that the hypocritical pretentious “star” decided to push her personal politics to get some attention. That is why I didnt see the movie and I know others didn’t go as well for the same reasons. Call it unrelated, I call it karma.

Go cry your idiotic liberal crocodile tears elsewhere. 

None of these price gouging dishonest companies is going out of business snowflake and if they do its because of the 400% markup, horrendous customer support. 

Yes they do

The economy isn't struggling now that we have actual adults in the white house. The economy was struggling when the idiot you clearly voted for was in office 

There is no truths to generalizations. That are the same as assptions. 

You need to provide evidence of that nitwit. AND THESE Services are making 400% plus profit

You are a fool. First of all these “businesses” as a rule provide awful service with nearly zero customer support.  Very few people are going to go through all the trouble of doing this and a majority couldn't figure it out with a road map.  So pack your silly immature indignation up and peddle it elsewhere. 

What really matters is that Sony as a corporation treats their customers like garbage. That should be the most important issue. Nothing else matters when people are dumb enough to keep putting their desire to be entertained over what little values and ethics they have left we get the society we currently have. 

You first

And here is human garbage. That's what you are you repugnant fecal smear. Bigot and a pig. 

racist headline, racist comments. Stick it. You are also painfully ignorant of the fact that the “native” american’s are no more “native” than I am. That they stole the land from people before them and they were just as brutal or more so than the settlers.  So stick your biased garbage up your racist narrow minded

More garbage from Netflix.  Not surprising after they hired that pathological liar Susan rice.  Cancelled just in time.  I'll decline the propaganda.  

wow, you’ve been lucky. Dumbest advice ever and the explanation why is clearly stated in the article

Sessions works for Trump who supports lifting the federal ban so please get your facts straight. 

funny until you pushed your liberal political agenda. I believe the only treason that had been committed was by clinton. grow up snowflake.

more media hype to build up the film. He will continue acting. This is for the weak minded and gullible gossips.

your ignorance and stupidity are palpable

bullshit you idiot. The only ones that are perpetuating garbage are idiots like you and this author pushing this fake rape culture bs