But no one is asking the million dollar question: Does roll20 actually suck? I'm wondering if I should give them my money.
You are staying out of parks because you might find a turd in the grass.
“I love games, tabletop and computer.”
He admitted to telling them that the actions of the company would ruin his trust - and he would delete his account and no longer buy stuff from them. He did this, flushing several hundreds of dollars worth of product into the toilet. While this is like burning your Nike shoes in terms of effective protest - telling a…
Ehh, you kind of sound like a cunt who just assumes the worst about others so I doubt anyone would want to play with you even if you did find a place..
Shut it down, nothing else needs to be said.
Chaotic neutral with low charisma is not a spec to bring to a reddit mod campaign.
My advice for creating a character in any game: Put away the rules and numbers, then take a few minutes to think about the kind of character you want to play. Try to come up with who this person is. What does your character look like? What is your character going to say, do, think, feel, and say? What made them want…
DM here, my 1D4 thoughts for newbies:
I think it’s worth pointing out that, while the goal of an RPG is to play a role, as a new player you’ll likely not understand much of how the world works. Resist the temptation early on to play a character who would know a lot of the world and instead aim to play a character whose knowledge of the world matches your…
That’s a great point. I had a great time playing a modern-day park ranger who teamed up with an IRS agent to investigate a murder. Much easier to imagine the backstory for these folks than for an elven wizard.
Call of Cthulhu is a good intro RPG, in my opinion, because the players are (usually!) playing humans in our world. You may be playing someone in 1928, or where/whenever, but you come to it with a basic understanding of what humans are, and do. And how you’d likely react, if you were for some odd reason to happen upon…
My advice: don’t.
Support your local gameshop! If you are lucky enough to have one, get down there and buy some stuff. Many shops are gathering places that allow customers to play the games on site and are a nice spot for playing and socializing. Things might be cheaper on the internet but it is hard to play without players, https://ro…
Fine, I’ll try D&D. But I’m naming my dwarf “Carlos”.
I’d add that new folks (newbies, or, noobs, though that’s taken on a less than savory connotation these days) should try to seek out a family-friendly gaming shop. That will help to weed out some of the more misogynistic and all-around anti-social sorts who still, sadly, crop up. And, as always, if you see something,…
This was a revelation to me, and so useful once I figured it out. I’m only just learning how to play Orisa, but I can tell that timing this ability is going to be integral to success.
Cecilia knows Orisa’s fortify ability makes her impervious to all debuffs, right? Any movement, stun, or interrupt is basically negated, meaning she can fight through Mei’s blast, and blizzard.
In Overwatch, yes, it is too much to ask for to get your team to fight on point.