It takes like 30 seconds for grunts to decide to punch you if you stand in front of them
It takes like 30 seconds for grunts to decide to punch you if you stand in front of them
What can be said about our favorite little Windows utility that hasn't already been said before? AutoHotkey basically turns any action you can imagine into a keyboard shortcut. It requires a little bit of code, but even the most basic users can grasp it in an afternoon—and you can do anything from simple shortcuts to…
This is what i do pretty much all the time
It put New York, Washington DC, and Arlington.
I live in New York City. So pretty good. The question that really got me was what do you call a road that let's cars drive really fast. I swear we have one of each in the tri-state area. And I grew up hearing all those names referring to the same thing that I'm convinced…
Thank you! Jet Force Gemini would totally sell me on an Xbox One if they were to revive it.
Is it me or does this all look like storyboards to a really weird episode of The Venture Bros.?
Well we would at least want to know if they're going with SATA II or III. If they do use SATA III connections then we would see load time reductions by going with SSD drives.
Wait is Kinja markdown compatible?
I popped in to re read this article after reading this on Kotaku today, and saw the following quote.
I didn't get to play XII or XIII to really say if I thought it was bad or not, but when I saw the initial footage of this game back when it was Versus XIII, I was ready to play this game regardless of the "this is not final fantasy" criticism.
Actually the design and layout for most of those displays is slightly more sinister: They outsource the setups to third parties. I work for one of those companies, servicing the NYC area by setting up and maintaining TV, tablet, and PC displays in most major big box stores (Best Buy, Target, etc.) In fact I'm setting…
Question 1: N/A
Mega Man?
that would have been a totally cool character backstory, AND we would have gotten the "Very Special Episode of Yu-Gi-Oh," in which we explore Joey's past and meet his estranged father for the first time during a flashback disguising a PSA warding against the dangers of gambling and alcoholism.
At this point I just want to keep an iDevice around for the iOS exclusive games. It's almost like buying multiple consoles just to make sure you can play all the platform exclusive stuff.
That's what I'm thinking. It'll probably be only good at around Act 1, just to speed up time it takes to get through the first 10-15 levels
If its a helm, doesn't that mean that eventually its just going to end up something ill have to replace with better gear? Damn helm is going to be gone by act 2
Yeah, for my friends who don't play games often - Call of Duty had become their gaming gateway drug. It's not what I would have wanted to become the gateway drug.
YES! I loved that line. That to me was like the greatest moment of Chaos Theory.