
Because we’ve become a culture of SJW’s who think everything is a cross to bear and rage against.

Trigger equates to people who are unable to control their inner-world and therefore want everyone around them to control the outer.

its not hard to follow, he feels there is no actual sexism, but since it has attractive women in it, it could trigger some who have low threshold on it(some would say, kotaku) so its warning if you have a hair trigger. i have no opinion since I am unlikely to ever play it, but thats just what i get from it.

Basically the trigger warning triggered people.

No, this is for infants who don’t know how to control themselves.

I found a long time ago that when a video game is causing you to lose sleep/skip real life social things/anything at all that affects real life then it’s time to not play that video game anymore.

Or you could just choose to be a sane human being.

This comment brought my heart much joy and satisfaction. Just knowing that the world isn’t completely full of bleeding heart pussies is reassurance that not everything has gone to hell just yet.

This is why people make fun of millennials. What the fuck. It’s a video game. If you need a therapist’s tool to “cope” with it, maybe do something else.

How about fuck the parents who left a gun lying around or maybe even fuck the parents for not teaching the kid to not play with guns. This has nothing to do with the NRA.

Are you trying to make the case that reprehensible violence doesn’t happen around the world? I was using justone example of it.

this is bad if this is called pedo simulator, there for a game that has murdering in it = murder simulator because what you play is what your are logic

At this point, I think it’s safe to say that No Man’s Sky fans are easily impressed.

“1.) It may well not be her cleavage that makes her successful.”

I hope they’re not expecting to rely on user reviews to put a bit of order in the eshop where currently everything is being thrown in all together with barely any sorting, classifying or categories. At the rate at which things are being released (well, mostly ported...) on the Switch, this is going to be mega messy

Ugh I hate that this is newsworthy on this site. I stopped reading IGN over a decade ago because it felt like they were gearing it more towards children. Please, please try to refrain from ramping up your Twitch streamer/youtube star coverage. Is there really anyone over the age of 16 who cares which Twitch douche

Can you really cite your own article about a topic as evidence that something is “making headlines”? Also, three articles about Doc in 24 hours? Find some video games to write about!

I used to come to Kotaku hoping to get away from the IRL obsession most people these days have with celebrities.

Whenever I read overwatch articles everyone comes across as spoiled children.