
How dare you mention that boobs adhere to physics in real life, we’re trying to do anything and everything we can to be offended by videogames including said physics because it also happens to be sexy. And that is bad. It objectifies all women and turns teenage boys into rape machines. Don’t you see what’s happening?!

They’d probably ruin it by adding the FF15 combat system to it.

Well, IX is the best one so he’s right.

Do you stupid motherfuckers purposely jump in to defend every stupid fucking thing this site does?

I really hate this narrative. Mass Effect is my favorite series, and suddenly I’m not welcome in the community because I hated Andromeda. The truth is I was just as excited for the game as anyone else, and I was incredibly let down. And now, on top of feeling that disappointment, my feelings are also being invalidated

I will never understand this mindset. “Man, if only gamers had tolerated a product that didn’t meet their expectations we cold have gotten DLC.” While every criticism sure as hell isn’t valued, stop pretending that consumer desiring decent products is somehow indecent. “it was still 100% playable” Wow. Hot-damn. What

Just this morning a woman in her late 20's sat next to me on bus, sharply dressed, cute glasses, stank like rotten bananas, fake vanilla and a hint of toffee. She had enough of the stuff on her to make my eyes water.

I had thought the same thing as you when I learned they saved character development for DLC.

Every time Square Enix does crap like this, I want to take all my SE stuff and throw it out. I haven’t started FF15 yet, and I’m not sure I intend to anymore despite owning it.

We play Square Enix games to get AWAY from this bargain basement trash and free-to-play cellphone “Games.”

I’ve been excited about the Necro since they announced, but does anyone else feel like $15 for a single class and some arguably completely cosmetic extras is a BIT pricy? The base game & act V expansion are like $40 now, right? Just seems like too much to me.

Yup, and you’ll never get this comment ungrayed because they don’t get referral money for Best Buy. At least we know it’s usually cheaper. I prefer the better price that I can get today after a quick drive.

Yup, and you’ll never get this comment ungrayed because they don’t get referral money for Best Buy. At least we know

“I was obviously bummed by the news, but also happy for her. So I decided I would just be her friend, and swallow my crush. Since I did not want to make things awkward, I told her what I had planned to do, and that I did have feelings for her, but I was fine with staying friends.”

How is this DLC done right? The first batch of DLC, barring the new outfits, is basically what you would expect from a free update on most other games.

Can I get some of that crack your smoking?

I think The Witcher 3 set the bar of what to expect from a sprawling open world RPG from a quality perspective, and only did so further with how they managed post-release updates and DLC.

<Typical fanboy response defending Nintendo>

20 dollars means you should get 1/3 of the content in the final game? That is does not seem even an oceans length form 1/3 the content. That story addon better be packed with new content.

They are selling you a Hard Mode and a map tracker! You really going to sit there and say that’s normal? I wonder what line needs to be crossed in order for you to complain about something in a game?

Uh that map thing and the fast travel point sound like features that should just be added to the vanilla game via free patch. They’re quality of life improvements that nobody should have to pay for as part of DLC. In fact, this entire package seems like a small portion of the free updates we got for Witcher 3 long

That second helping had better be worth $20, because this has ‘free update’ printed all over it going by today’s standards.