
Being sober isn’t boring and if you genuinely think it is then you probably have a problem developing.

This is probably the only star you get. But you deserve it. I don’t like that law so I won’t follow it seems to only fly with drug use. Some flawed logic that it’s only my body or something belies the fact that an individual’s drug use supports the entire violent drug industry. Calling a drug user a nonviolent

Or maybe you should just not take drugs no matter where you are. *The more you know*

That’s one thing I appreciate about Japanese culture. They don’t take it easy on you just because you’re a celebrity. America’s “justice system” could learn a lot from Japan.

i don’t get your point.
for one, i was comparing it to the vita price, and in my book, a full console can’t even be compared to a stupid controller - no matter how good it may be - in terms of payoff for the investment. so, are you trying to excuse it’s overprice with it being a niche premium item? because that is

Well, hopefully they’ve learned that releasing trash on day one is going to be a lot harder now that people can get refunds on these things.

How come NISA/XSeed/Idea Factory/Atlus and so on can do physical releases for niche as hell games that dont sell very much but big bad Nintendo of America cant?

Pirating is illegal, blocking ads is not.

Avoiding ads != pirating content, thats an extreme oversimplification. You wouldn’t give up the fast-forward button on your DVR, would you?

I call this service “NoScript” and “Adblock”.

Sorry, I find it hideous.

a) You probably don’t ride. Believe me, there are plenty of places that are unsafe for a car to pass where it’s no problem for a bike (either due to the bike being able to do the pass or simply because of things like better sightlines due to lane positioning etc). So it comes down to The Law vs. common sense, being

Looks to me like a case of asshole (swerving into them) on asshole (speeding recklessly, passing in a no passing zone, no safety clothing) crime.

I make a comment about a certain rhetoric and then you go right ahead and spew it and prove me right. Thank you.

Add donate buttons then, why would I pay hundreds of dollars for mods for a game that’s already $60? Modding = HOBBY.

THEIR work? You mean leeching off the developers work while tweaking some things?

I never thought the day would come when I would have to pirate mods.

They may have not started that way, but anyone who thinks Valve isn’t just after all your money like anyone else (EA, etc) is full of it.

They’ve been living on their old start up reputation (pre-steam takeover) forever and it’s getting old seeing the internet continually defend them.

I’m not saying they are the worst

Squadron 42 should be ready for play sometime next year