
You seem to complain about this system, yet your actions say you love it and want to see more of it. Because you not only bought them, you bought a lot of them. You justified Ubisoft’s system, and you told Ubisoft in the only language they understand, money, that they did exactly the correct thing.

It’s clear from your post that you’re not aware of how this works (finding new opportunities in a professional career). I’m not going to go into the numerous differences it has compared to blue collar jobs, but suffice it to say it’s vastly easier to find a new job while you’re still employed, rather than waiting for

I have a soon to be 9 year old daughter, and honestly am starting to get into the worry stage about the world and what she’s exposed to. Technology makes keeping secrets from parents vastly easier than it was for me when I was a kid. People had to either come over, or call the land line anyone could answer. Today,

Shooting, stabbing, soaring, and truck simulating? That stuff’s old hat. These days soil-tiling—possibly while wearing an old hat—is where it’s at. Yesterday, two early access...

Sympathy for the boots on the ground ... sure. However, that can not, and does not, excuse the horrendous business practices of their management.

Gamestop guts the cases and uses them to display on the floor. They won’t always gut every copy. Like if for a niche game they get 3 copies, they’ll gut one but leave the other two in their packaging. Or a major release they’ll gut 5 or so to cover a shelf while leaving 20 still in their package. But if you grab the

That does hint at a problem with a dedicated toy store. Kids love shopping around, but what about the parents? Unless there is something next door, there may never be a reason.

If they can’t make their prices competitive, it will be. When you find something you want, pull out your phone, and in a 5 second search see it for $10+ cheaper at the store next door or online...

Such a great method of selling games and preventing theft. Gamestop should of taken notice. Instead they gut the packaging, shove it into a sleeve, and may or may not “rent” it out to employees before you buy your “new” game.

I’m no financial guru so I can only speak to my own reasons: They were consistently more expensive than any other choice.

Comment section is exactly what I was expecting. People got adblock for a reason. That reason hasn’t gone anywhere. Fix the problem, and maybe people will reconsider. Instead, it gets worse like the current fad of autoplay videos.

I can’t say I would find this fun. I just canceled my sub a week ago, and had no idea this was going to become a thing. I stopped for other reasons, but something like this would of pushed me away faster.

Apparently this pushed a lot of buttons. You’re all a touchy lot aren’t you. Reactions, apparently, depend greatly on what echo chamber you happen to be standing in.

Nintendo wants to sell as many of their over priced storage cards as possible.

Yeah, if they’re breaking into it already it was incredibly easy. now—if initial reactions to Labo are anything to go by—going to be a big-selling...

Going to be really disappointed if this is an expansion of Amiibos style expensive physical toys that give in-game perks. But it would make me look into those blank RFID cards that can be programed via your phone.

The only way this works is with always online DRM, and we all know how well THAT goes.

What did Civ VI get in the past couple days? Rise and Fall was announced months ago, can’t think of anything else.

Wow, so much negativity (in the comments).