I went ahead and ordered the steel book for PS4.
I went ahead and ordered the steel book for PS4.
Absolutely required extension. As someone else said, it’s the only reason I use Firefox on Android. Google refuses to allow extensions in their mobile Chrome app.
Why do you keep bringing up emulation? I think we’ll just have to agree to disagree because you’re stuck on that point even though what I’m trying to say has absolutely nothing to do with emulation.
I think you, and everyone else apparently, are completely missing the point of my question.
I’m having a hard time understanding how the best time can not be definitively proven.
I know hating on games for things like this is ‘a thing’ for some people, but really having giant boobs that don’t move at all is distracting as hell because it’s so unnatural it’s obvious.
How silly, even crappy electronics can go up to 70C ambient, that’s 158F, and be perfectly fine.
Welcome to the echo chamber.
Yes, they’ll have to blow it towards you. I’m guessing it will be pretty limited, like the smell of the ocean, or something like that, not everything that could have a smell.
Remember a few years ago Sony constantly bragging in press conferences about how amazing their indie support was, and how many indie games they’re getting?
You own it, so you might as well try it, but be warned it may worsen your feelings towards SE...
All of these games look the same. Seriously. Just different skins.
“DLC” in board games? Screw that.
I just finished the Full Throttle Remaster.
You know, I still haven’t played more than an hour of this game. It’s just completely failed to hook me. Being an action game hasn’t helped either, just not my cup of tea and may ultimatly be why this is the only mainline FF game I don’t really play.
If you haven’t seen it already, it is indeed on sale but only by 10% which shouldn’t be too surprising, it’s a brand new release (in NA at least).
I strongly disagree. 75% off on AAA titles with MSRP’s of $20 were common, resulting in $5 games. Higher sales (80-90%) were also not that rare, again on AAA titles.
Well. Actually. Now you’re paying $10 extra, for everything.
Eh, there really is no rush anymore. They did away with the 8 hour flash/vote sales, and daily deals are gone too. With them, the big discounts are gone aswell. So today, tomorrow, next week, doesn’t really matter when you visit.
Welcome to the world of microtransactions. This is where games are going, because the populus has enthusiastically whipped out their wallets to show developers/publishers that this is exactly what they want.