It’s only 30k people between those two projects, for an average loss of $67.
It’s only 30k people between those two projects, for an average loss of $67.
Better burn that hope for Unsung Story. Playdek’s in the red, with nothing to get out of it.
I agree with the other comment. Require a project to create (and publish on the kickstarter) a set of milestones and schedule. At each milestone, if they deliver, the funds for the next milestone get released. If the project fails, the remaining money can be refunded.
Well, the two projects listed here account for $2M in lost money alone, which is quite a sum.
The glaring flaw with your statement is that it has been proven in the court of law that failed kickstarter projects DO own refunds to the backers.
It is true that kicksters like this is killing the idea of crowdfunding for people, myself included.
Sure, they’re old today, but they were pretty good for simpler projects back when I was in school. In fact, they’d still be more than adequate to run many things we still use today like microwaves, alarm clocks, thermostats, etc.
I’m kind of shocked that in that screenshoot of the assembly code I could actually read it, and understand it.
Not sure what the surprise is really all about to be honest.
I have literally nothing positive to say about Two Worlds II so I’m just going to leave it at that.
The switch just got a little more interesting.
NBA Jam on the sega genesis is the only sports game I’ve ever owned. I had the most fun injuring the other team as many times as I possibly could, then dominating. Still remember the “He’s on fire!”
I don’t get this article, at all.
Sounds pretty interesting, but...
Well, it’s a pay to win game. I thought this was obvious from day one.
I’m surprised a company like Nintendo would need to do a recruitment drive in the first place. I would of thought they’d get inundated within hours of posting an opening. I sure didn’t get a cool book when I applied at the company I work for :(
The power of the internets is now!
Plus, keeps them from accidentally loading up something M-rated.
I’d love a real pinball table, but even used the things go for thousands of dollars. There is just no way I could justify spending that much on one, considering I could buy hundreds of rolls of quarters to play a variety at an arcade. If arcades still existed :(