DJ Ninjah

Matt, you are using a BS argument to foment outrage where there should be none. Your notion of rapidly detecting blood borne pathogens like HIV has no relevance to the world of Blood Banking. Blood Banks use screening tests, not diagnostic tests (if you don't immediately understand the difference you should recuse

"Mr. Welker! Mr. Welker! Can I have one?!"

Before making your decision, the book Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America by Barbara Ehrenreich is a very eye-opening must-read, not just on the house-cleaning industry but also on motel housecleaners, Wal-Mart employees, and nursing home caregivers.

If I was NYC I'd troll the team and make it a condition of stadium approval that they call the team "New York City Soccer Club."

It's Duking, and it's always been Duking.