
Can’t tell if you’ve been living under a rock or are ignorant and trying to act smug.

You are mistaken if you think PC gamers don’t hate PC gamers.

“Former life long sony exec worried microsoft bought call of duty instead of sony”

saying things like “there are too many tourists” at all makes you part of the problem, tbh

What’s hilarious is that he thinks this game isn’t an example of Sony buying their way to market domination. They just pay off devs specifically to not release on risk, not their devs, still get it as an exclusive. They are leveraging the fact they are the market leaders, and can pay devs far less to get

Not really that many fetch quests, thought the questlines were quite diverse activities-wise

I wouldn’t say the gunplay is bad, it’s cerrtainly the best Bethesda has ever done by a good margin. same goes for alot of the dialgoue. Neither are industry leading though that’s for sure. Bethesda have always been a “Jack of all trades” studio. not the Best combat, the best stories etc... but no other games do so

Here’s some more tips:

Curious how many people hate Starfield simply for being a Bethesda game. Nobody bats an eye when Blizzard, or EA, or Naughty Dog, or Bioware, or almost every other developer on the planet creates derivative content, but Bethesda gets raked over the coals for it. Why is that?

I can’t believe this studio is still making the same game and expecting us to pay $70 for it, and to play it for more than a hundred hours.

Yay someone validated your preconceived notions

Knows something is not possible but tries to do it anyway and complains about it.  Kotaku at its best.

Can I have a job writing for Jalopnik if I write a piece about how my Buick doesn’t drive like a Ferrari?

It’s weird that in other Bethesda games, you can quick-swap between weapons on the fly, but you can’t in Starfield?

The guy that stole the stuff and filmed a ton of him doing crimes is a dumbass, but you also suck. These can both be true at the same time.

I just think you’re pretty dumb for giving your full name to Kotaku after snitching on a guy who was found with illegal firearms lol

Fuck you


Boo fucking hoo.