
omg….that Jonathan Taylor Thomas *rowrl* just LUSCIOUS!!! I had such a mad crush on him as a teenager - just YUMMY

This simpleton Karl Welzein sounds like a feeble-minded doofus. I've been reading through these hatesong articles for the last hour, and this is the first one where your interview subject is so morally repulsive, so intellectually bankrupt, borderline-homophobic, poorly-educated, so dim-witted and obnoxious, that I

They probably DID reach out to the family, but for whatever reason they were ignored, or maybe their letters/phone calls didn't even GET to the family, but instead were shot down by their lawyers, accountants, managers, etc, etc. I wonder if Lifetime offered the standard rate of compensation for licensing, and the

It would also be funny, if it wasn't so sad, reading through some of these cowardly jealous comments from a bunch of whiny armchair critics who couldn't attain 1% of the success Leno has had if they had 1,000 years to do it. Simple fact is, Jay IS an excellent comedian. America has proven it with years of #1