
Just curious .

My point about the free games is that there are other options if you just want free and do not care about sub par. No need to waste your time with pirate servers that could get shut down any day. But they go because most aren’t any good and thus no one plays them. The truth is a subset of the people that have played

150k players would beg to differ.

I really think you are mischaracterizing why people play on these. If the game is as sub par as you claim then why would people play even if free? Lots of free games come and go every year.

Over 50% of active accounts transferred and nost shut down the token generator before the planned third server came online, leaving a lot of players out in the cold. Elysium has had 30k concurrent players at peak hours, the equivalent of 12 full vanilla servers.

Yeah, buddy, 10% only generated a token because your fucking token generation was BROKEN. For a full week I couldn’t get one.

This is a really lame move. If you’re going to do it, do it, don’t start it and suddenly drop it like this. So what if you’re perceived as pirates by certain people? What did you think this was? Blizzard wasn’t getting any money from you running these servers. How is that not pirating? It just seems like you